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Sam Raimi's Evil Dead. Question about a Special Effects Moon Shot.



I just watched the Evil Dead. I found it a thrift store. It was really good. I thought the special effects were really good. I have a question about a shot that I think is a special effects shot. I don't know what scene or part of the movie it is. Somewhere's in the middle I think. It is a basic long shot of the house at night and the moon. And the moon looks pretty fierce. It is kind of big and reddish looking and you can actually see the seas and craters on it. So I am guessing that it was a special effect.

I just want confirmation that it is a special effect. And if you don't want to tell me how the director did it that is cool. I can understand. It is like a recipe, cooks don't give out the recipes. But if you know it was a special effect shot then maybe give me a basic idea how it was done.It is actually probably my favorite shot of a moon I have ever seen in a movie. I know that most movies that show a moon at night time (for either romantic effect or scary effect) that it is special effects. Whenever I try to film the moon at night and look at the footage I just see a little shining white thing that usually isn't even in focus. Also I am guessing that the special effect (I am guessing) shot of the moon isn't even the most impressive or hardest of the special effects in the movie. But it is kind of big and reddish and you can see the seas and craters on it, so I think it's cool. Maybe it's christian, maybe it's pagan. Up to the viewer of the movie I guess!

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

I just watched the Evil Dead. I found it a thrift store. It was really good. I thought the special effects were really good. I have a question about a shot that I think is a special effects shot. I don't know what scene or part of the movie it is. Somewhere's in the middle I think. It is a basic long shot of the house at night and the moon. And the moon looks pretty fierce. It is kind of big and reddish looking and you can actually see the seas and craters on it. So I am guessing that it was a special effect.
I've not seen the movie but found this image from it on google

Been a while since I saw the movie, but the bets are it will be an effect.

Either a backlit Matt-Painting, maybe rotoscoped.

The thing with movies, is when they have the Moon involved it's usually an effect of some kind, unless it's a super-duper screen width close-up with clouds floating across it.

Yep it's an effect, found this on imdb:

Shots of the moon had to be "matted" into the night scenes. You can see an outline of a square around the moon matte in the footage. In his glowing review of The Evil Dead, Stephen King specifically cited the matted moon footage as being part of the film's low-budget "charm."

I've not seen the movie but found this image from it on google
Well thanks. Wow that moon is like Friday the thirteenth and Friday the thirteenth part 2 together. Only an auteur like Stephen King could call that charm. I call it eerie. I think I am starting to see where the idea of a stork flying and dropping a baby on your front door step is all about. The stork are the aliens. And the baby is you. Or your soul. The aliens are keeping your soup. Sam Raimi gets an A. Nice. Special effects I think are the reason why people don't even care to go out when there is a lunar eclipse. Definitely Sam Raimi is a pro. He isn't one of Orville Redenbacher's kids.