So I've been thinking recently what if the human race were to go on a huge space voyage and we have to rely on only a few gardens for oxygen. Or we were to live on a planet where oxygen is scarce? Future events such as these may affect you in the future so I give to you my invention idea.... Nostril gardens.

Basically Nostril Gardens are microscopic trees and bushes that are carefully inserted into your nostrils buy scientists. This will allow you to go on any planet and breathe in as much oxygen as you like. I believe this can also increase the cardio of athletes, and also who knows maybe in centuries to come a half man half tree hybrid may come to exist. I suppose the biggest nostril gardens would belong to......well 😄👌

The only danger of nostril gardens is the possibility that someone could spray weed killer up your nose causing you to asphyxiate. But I'm sure the scientists will figure that out.

What invention ideas do you have?