Hugh Grant is entering a new phase in his career and I am for it. Don't know why this isn't coming out for October but maybe it's just really good.
Heretic (A24)
Hugh Grant is entering a new phase in his career and I am for it. Don't know why this isn't coming out for October but maybe it's just really good.
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I love Grant's reinvention as an actor as well. It kinda started with Cloud Atlas and has only continued to evolve since then. It's made me realize in general how great he's always been, he just didn't have as much variety in roles at first.
Bird Bod
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I have not seen him for a while, and recall him as an exceedingly British actor and mainly as a rom-com guy, or if it was being remade yet again, a famous passenger on the Titanic. The scary Hugh Grant looks like a different career direction.
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I have not seen him for a while, and recall him mainly as a rom-com guy. The scary Hugh Grant looks like a different career direction.
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That’s assuming he can pull off being scary.
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No problem. I always thought that the rom-com Grant was scary. He's the guy who gets minimally aggravated at your lack of formal British manners and, in a witty way, calls the servants to have you locked up in the Keep.
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Lucky you if you avoided the mess that was Wonka
What was it he said in an interview, I’ve got young children and so I agreed to do this? The mind boggles. Let’s hope he makes a killing with this one, I guess…
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Glowing reviews right now...could spell an Oscar nom for Grant
Glowing reviews right now...could spell an Oscar nom for Grant
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I'm really excited about this. Grant's great, I love him in weird little roles, and the subject matter looks fascinating. I'm trying to learn as little as possible beyond that initial trailer.
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Well, having slept on it, I absolutely loved this.
Lo and behold.
It isn’t perfect, obviously, and there are plenty of little things to nitpick if one wanted to, but I feel conceptually it just… works.
God bless A24. Not the first time I’m thinking this.
WARNING: spoilers below
I do have a theology degree, and never did I think I’d live to see the day when theology would be addressed in a horror film in ways I relate to…
Lo and behold.
WARNING: spoilers below
Back when I was reading theology, I did an awful lot of my research on why and how religion and horror are connected, given that it’s a relatively common perception that horror is the most ‘religious’ of genres. But again, I didn’t think that kind of thing could be explored so academically, for lack of a better word, in an actual horror film. So yeah, I can see how people might be underwhelmed by the third act, and how the whole thing might feel too polemical/lacking in action, but I loved precisely that about it. I’ve spent so many years of my life talking to people about religion and how different people process it differently, and the characterisation here seemed, if a tiny bit simplistic in some ways, largely true to life when it comes to the big things (in my view anyway). Reminded me of The Body — understandably, I suppose.
It isn’t perfect, obviously, and there are plenty of little things to nitpick if one wanted to, but I feel conceptually it just… works.
God bless A24. Not the first time I’m thinking this.
Last edited by AgrippinaX; 12-25-24 at 05:18 AM.
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Well, having slept on it, I absolutely loved this.
Lo and behold.
It isn’t perfect, obviously, and there are plenty of little things to nitpick if one wanted to, but I feel conceptually it just… works.
God bless A24. Not the first time I’m thinking this.
WARNING: spoilers below
I do have a theology degree, and never did I think I’d live to see the day when theology would be addressed in a horror film in ways I relate to…
Lo and behold.
WARNING: spoilers below
Back when I was reading theology, I did an awful lot of my research on why and how religion and horror are connected, given that it’s a relatively common perception that horror is the most ‘religious’ of genres. But again, I didn’t think that kind of thing could be explored so academically, for lack of a better word, in an actual horror film. So yeah, I can see how people might be underwhelmed by the third act, and how the whole thing might feel too polemical/lacking action, but I loved precisely that about it. I’ve spent so many years of my life talking to people about religion and how different people process it differently, and the characterisation here seemed, if a tiny bit simplistic in some ways, largely true to life when it comes to the big things (in my view anyway). Reminded me of The Body — understandably, I suppose.
It isn’t perfect, obviously, and there are plenty of little things to nitpick if one wanted to, but I feel conceptually it just… works.
God bless A24. Not the first time I’m thinking this.
Sounds like something I would enjoy.
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I would bet on it. Again, it is by no means perfect but really very unique indeed.
I could go on and on about the Inquisition and the European and Salem Witch Hunts. Even War, they use Killing in God's Name, to justify.
I hear A24 is selling blueberry candles to celebrate the release of this.