"Thank God"


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Does it bother you when a person uses a phrase like "thank god"? Do you concern yourself about whether that person is qualified in some way to use a term like that?

What about "God bless you"? If a person is agnostic, should they be banned from participating in that social ritual, as well?

I've long felt that that it was up to people to decide for themselves what sort of god they believe in, and how they express that belief. But since I just got negative rep for nothing more than saying "thank god for Netflix", I thought I'd see what others feel about this.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

You really got negative rep for that? Sheesh. I would ask who did it, but that might be crossing the line. I guess I can see how someone could be offended... hm.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Yep, I really did.
What about it would you find offensive?

See, it seems to me like IF a person found that offensive, that it would be a double-standard at work. I mean, it seems ok if she thanks her god, but if I thank mine then it's ok to attack. I find that very curious.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
What about it would you find offensive?
I really don't know, as I'm not a very religious fellow.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
1. Let's all chip in and give that rep back.

2. I really don't care if someone says "Thank God" I know some people are heck of religious to the point where they shudder when they hear God's name in vain. Some people use "Thank Gosh" and some people have told me not take his name in vain. I just give them an eyebrow and try my hardest not to do so.

I think the person who neg. repped. you must be a complete arrogant, and possibly ignorant, individual.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Thanks for your input, Godsend. I'm not too concerned about the rep, it just made me wonder if other people here felt that way or if the person in question was either 1. slightly insane or 2. looking for a reason to be unpleasant. If it bothered a lot of people here, I'd be more aware of trying not to do it. Am not here to try to annoy anyone (except maybe Yoda, but that's entirely different )

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
But since I just got negative rep for nothing more than saying "thank god for Netflix", I thought I'd see what others feel about this.
For gods sake

A system of cells interlinked
It should have the name of the person posted next to the rep.

And now, a note to any folks who ever find themsleves offended.

If you are the type of person that doesn't like being offended, then I suggest getting on a boat, and hittin the open waves for some nice quiet time. Or try these ultra bizarre solutions to some common offenders:

If something on TV offends you, turn it off.
If something on the radio offends you, turn it off and stop exposing yourself to it.
If something on a website offends you, close your browser.

Now, if you would like other people to change their habits or the way they articulate themsleves, you should take a nice long walk on a short pier OR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. This country and this planet are not here follow along with your way of life.

Don't like that?

TOUGH *****.

Sammy getting rep from me.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Did the person who gave you negative rep leave a message? And if not, have you asked them what they found offensive about your post? I'm a little curious as to whether it was "Thank God" or "Netflix" that offended them….
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Sedai~ the person's name is there. I'm not posting it because I am not going to try and turn people against her. I just wanted some objective opinions on this. Since expressing our selves and our opinions on things is sort of, you know, the purpose of a message board, it seemed like an appropriate place to pose the question. I agree with your take on it, by the way. I just found it curious that in this sort of setting, a person would have such a negative reaction to such an everyday thing.... and wanted to make sure I wasn't off in my own thinking.

I've never heard of anyone being offended by people saying godsake, godblessyou, good god, thank god and all the rest, even in these political correct times.
I usally say godsake when i'm stressed out or annoyed, most people do.
But i just say bless you instead of god bless you.
But then i guess there will be a few people who would be offended, there always is.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I worked with a woman who stopped saying "bless you" at all, if you sneezed, because she learned that it was a way of warding off evil spirits, and she doesn't believe in evil spirits. It's funny to sneeze and hear total silence, even if you yourself don't believe in evil spirits either. I'm still tempted to say, "hey, I coulda just died!"

And this is my BOOMstick!
I'm Christian but I say God damn it quite a lot.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I'm Pagan and I could care less about it. I take "gods" name in vain but I don't believe in him. I take "god's" name in vain because phrases such as "God Damnit" have worked their way into everyones vocabulary at one point or another.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Did the person who gave you negative rep leave a message? And if not, have you asked them what they found offensive about your post? I'm a little curious as to whether it was "Thank God" or "Netflix" that offended them….
LMAO. It would almost make more sense if it was a Blockbuster employee, wouldn't it? But no, it was the "thank god" thing. Here is the note that she left (it starts with a lower-case p, this is the entire note):

"perplexing how people who don't believe in God still find our saying "thank you" to Him an appropriate way to express gratitude. Although, you've never been one to make sense."

That's why I found the whole thing interesting. It wasn't that anyone said it, it was that an agnostic said it that she found so troubling. I wonder if, in real life, she asks people about their religious bent when they use the term.

And this is my BOOMstick!
Damn, if she gets offended by "Thank God" wtf is she doing on the internet in the first place?

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Was it Marie?

Originally Posted by Nitzer
I'm Christian but I say God damn it quite a lot.
Why? There's a whole commandment telling you not to. Obviously sin isn't going to be completely avoided, but your Christianity is nothing more than lip service if you casually shrug off your sins, or fail to even think of them as sins at all.

Originally Posted by Nitzer
Damn, if she gets offended by "Thank God" wtf is she doing on the internet in the first place?
Uh, because if being offended by something were cause enough to stay away from it, we'd all be hermits.