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Anything Else
Jason Biggs, Christina Ricci, Woody Allen, Stockard Channing View AllCrew
Woody Allen (Screenplay), Woody Allen (Director) View AllRelease: Aug. 27th, 2003
Runtime: 1 hour, 48 minutes
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David Dobel (Woody Allen), also a comedy writer, becomes a kind of crazy mentor for Jerry during the course of the movie and together they talk about life while walking through Central Park.
David Dobel (Woody Allen), also a comedy writer, becomes a kind of crazy mentor for Jerry during the course of the movie and together they talk about life while walking through Central Park.
Jerry becomes fast friends with a much older comedy writer named David Dobel (Allen), a cynical, tightly wound gun nut and closet survivalist who becomes Jerry's adviser in all aspects of his life, particularly, his maddening relationship with Amanda (Christina Ricci), a self-absorbed drama queen wh....
Jerry becomes fast friends with a much older comedy writer named David Dobel (Allen), a cynical, tightly wound gun nut and closet survivalist who becomes Jerry's adviser in all aspects of his life, particularly, his maddening relationship with Amanda (Christina Ricci), a self-absorbed drama queen wh....