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O Brother, Where Art Thou?
George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, John Goodman View AllCrew
Joel Coen (Screenplay), Joel Coen (Director), Ethan Coen (Screenplay) View All
Release: Aug. 30th, 2000
Runtime: 1 hour, 46 minutes
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O Brother, Where Art Thou?
This was one funny movie. It was peculiar like most Coen brothers flicks, but it was still very funny. I highly recommend it....
Song in Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
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Reviewed by

Naturally, this was one of the big stories we read in Latin class (even though it's actually a Greek story), so I am pretty familiar with the source material.

The film is also provided a lovely background, courtesy of some lovely southern gospel music, supervised by T Bone Burnett, that provides a warm and inviting under pinning to the story.

Sypnosis : Although it's story is a lot more straightforward than the majority of the Coen films , it still missing some big developments like many great stories : though the visuals and humorous style of it won't let you down on.