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Tom Neal, Ann Savage, Claudia Drake, Edmund MacDonald View AllCrew
Edgar G. Ulmer (Director), Martin Goldsmith (Screenplay), Martin Mooney (Writer) View AllRelease: Nov. 30th, 1945
Runtime: 1 hour, 8 minutes
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Reviewed by
thracian dawg
Detour was a low budget quickie that was shot in only six days, but it's oddness, inconsistency and continuity goofs only add to the film..
Detour was a low budget quickie that was shot in only six days, but it's oddness, inconsistency and continuity goofs only add to the film..
There is a great friction between Al and Vera, something that in most films would collapse into a love-hate romance, but the film admirably never goes there.
There is a great friction between Al and Vera, something that in most films would collapse into a love-hate romance, but the film admirably never goes there.
Filmed by one of the Poverty Row studios, in 6 days and with about $100K, it ended up becoming one of the most popular film noirs ever made.
Filmed by one of the Poverty Row studios, in 6 days and with about $100K, it ended up becoming one of the most popular film noirs ever made.