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Rear Window
James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey, Thelma Ritter View AllCrew
Alfred Hitchcock (Director), John Michael Hayes (Screenplay) View All
Release: Sep. 1st, 1954
Runtime: 1 hour, 52 minutes
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No wonder then that I find the "window-shopping" to be the most fascinating component of Rear Window, and on re-watches I find myself looking past Stewart and Kelly to study that living, breathing backdrop.

These are just a handful of the people who live in Jeff's view, but the one who interests him the most is Lars Thorwald (Raymond Burr), who constantly fights with his invalid wife who seemingly laughs at him and puts him down, although Jeff can't hear what they say.

My favorite scene was the establishing shot starting in the apartment - with the window blinds up, then the blinds go down - the camera then zooms out the window, peeping into the lives of the other apartment's rear windows...finally the camera comes back in and we see it's hot.