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Savage Streets

Savage Streets
Action / English / 1984

This was another movie with a poster that made me go, "Hm hm hm... what have we here?".

A woman getting revenge? Perish the thought.

THIS is Sex and Fury.

Or one of several different ways you could also do Sex and Fury.

The first 3/4ths of the movie is setup for Linda Blair's character, Brenda, establishing her character as the likable punk girl. She's protective of her friends, she's not afraid to drop mean curses like ****, and she's so cool she wears sunglasses at night.

Knowing this is a revenge movie right off the bat isn't really necessary to call the plot beats note for note. All you need to see is one guy with razors for earrings burn a cigarette into his hand and leer at passing women to know he's obviously going to be the villain.

Drop a naive deaf girl in his path and WHAT THE **** DO YOU THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN?

She gets raped. This enrages Brenda, but since she doesn't know the culprits the movie basically idles in mourning over her teetering medical state as we launch and abort a subplot about Brenda unintentionally stealing away some idiot's boyfriend. Nothing ever comes of it save a half-naked fight in the shower room.

Well, everyone seems to be starting to move on, everything's going good right now and in fact Brenda's friend is getting married and she's pregnant and she's walking home alone and

Eventually Brenda's clued into the villains (even though there are literally no other likely suspects in the cast) and cranks into badass mode with Chekov's Crossbow and an 80s preparing-for-revenge montage.

The ending is pretty satisfying with my only real complaint being that as soon as she gets injured once she becomes a Screaming Helpless Female until she whips out Chekov's Cigarette Lighter.

All said, the movie's pretty good. Ummm... not a fan of the use of the word, ******, which will be censored when I type this but will become transparent as to it's meaning when I clarify that it never seems to be used as a slur against homosexuals.

It never seems to be used as a slur against homosexuals.

Some food gets mentioned. I forget what.

One final speech about pigs getting castrated in a slaughterhouse puts the situation in an interesting perspective until Brenda says that they can't feel worse than her sister/friend did before they were raped/killed.


Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]