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I'm sick, so I decided to see how many times I could watch Serenity yesterday, no not really but I did watch everything on the DVD all the extras and the film and then I watched the film again with Joss Whedon's commentary, which was interesting. I've never watched a film with the commentary running before. I learned a few more interesting things that I didn't learn from the extras. And then the wife came home and saw I had Serenity on so I ended up watching it again!

Why watch Serenity 3 times in one day you may ask? And maybe more importantly did it hold up 3 times in a row? Yes it did, very much so. I freely admit I'm in the bag for this film and frankly every time I watch it there is always going to be a pretty large sense of awe attached to it. Why? Because T.V. shows that get canceled do not get made into motion pictures, especially ones that don't even run for a whole season. Quick, name one. You probably can't can you?

It's people like me and several others on this site and many other's around the Internet that have started an amazing underground movement and it's still going on. Because honestly I want the show back on the air where it belongs. So I'm going to keep talking this film up and then I'll tell you to get the show called Firefly and watch that too. It's worth every penny.