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DAY 142: January 22nd, 2009.


Why was this film so popular, in fact so popular it got a ride at Universal. Well, if you can call it a ride, you just stand there, but that's besides the point. It's a film about man VS nature, one of those central conflicts they teach you in school. Who wins? What's left of them? Why is the dreaded pirate Roberts in this film?

Twister is a movie you love as a kid, as I did, and see it for what it really is when you get older. The film isn't bad, but it's full of a lot of things that makes it bad. The whole movie is about people chasing wind. Let's get that straight.

Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton do seem to have some chemistry, but I never once believed them to be as smart as they're suppose to. The team is full of colourful characters, including one Phillip Seymour Hoffman who is the comic relief. They all do their jobs of filling in screen time and each have their own distinct personalities that are characterized by the vehicle they drive, since most of the movie is about them driving from point A to point B.

The special effects are still nice, although it doesn't seem that hard to really conjure up some fast winds. There are some nice scenes though, like the destruction of a drive in or the driving through a house. Of course the cow scene still makes me laugh AND roll my eyes.

The film is your basic summer popcorn fare. We've all seen this type of stuff before and this one just takes it into the direction of mother nature. And yes the final scene when they are literally in the tornado still bugs me.