Pineapple Express 8/16/16
by mark f
The other thing I started to think about during the film was that a few of the scenes just started dragging for me partway through. ...
Pineapple Express 10/13/15
by Iroquois
Despite the emphasis on stoner comedy and the typical Apatow brand of semi-improvised conversational humour, I honestly think this film's a lot better when it opts to focus on its action-parody comedy. ...
Pineapple Express 5/20/14
by Gideon58
The Seth Rogen/Judd Apatow rep company scored a near bullseye with 2008's Pineapple Express, an overly-complex, but raunchy stoner movie that provides major laughs and presents funny yet believable characters just barely within the realm of reality. ...
Pineapple Express 1/15/09
by MovieMan8877445
I’d definitely recommend it to Apatow fans, but more than likely, if you’re an Apatow fan then you’ve probably already seen it. ...
Pineapple Express 8/07/08
by The Gnat
Overall this is a good comedy film. It doesn't use overdone jokes to get its laughs and it doesn't only use pot jokes to make people laugh. ...
Pineapple Express 8/06/08
by Holden Pike
Apatow and company have brought the R-Rated comedy actually made for those over the age of thirteen into a glorious Renaissance, with (so far, anyway) amazing quality control and not just getting something made because he has the power but because they're good scripts brought to life by good people. ...