

Mommy   1/25/18
by Citizen Rules
So in the end when the screen goes full screen and we see the grown boy, now a man, graduating from college and getting married...that too was cutting edge film making, because in that moment the mother dreamed what could have been, and her world opened up...and as her hope expanded, we had wide... ...

Mommy   8/24/17
by Joel
It's tough for me to fault this movie for not being spirited enough because it's brimming with energy and verve, and there was one line that killed me when the son remarks about his next door neighbor to his mom; "her ass smells like roses, I see it written in the stars", as she walks by him. ...

Mommy   2/03/17
by Okay
"Mommy" is a French Canadian film about a 46 year old mother dealing with her beloved son who suffers from ADHD, they immensely struggle through their day to day life but with the presence of their new neighbour Kyla a balance is achieved in the family, together they face an emotional roller coaster... ...

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