

Cloverfield   2/27/14
by Masterman
Movies like Jurassic Park, Godzilla, and King Kong are some favourites of mine, but Cloverfield somehow feels fresh, it feels new and it brings something new to the table. ...

Cloverfield   1/18/12
by The Rodent
The film does give you a connection to the characters to a point though, the beginning of the movie, before the city starts falling apart around them, allows you enough time to get to know them at almost a personal level and sets up the love triangle. ...

Cloverfield   2/12/11
by MovieMad16
We are centered more on the characters which is strange in a way, because usually in monster movies, we center around the monster that is how the formula works. ...

Cloverfield   8/15/09
by spudracer
One of the first mainstream movies where the entire movie is shot by one of the characters, which doesn't make Cloverfield original in that aspect. ...

Cloverfield   9/26/08
by eulian
When done honestly and courageously, an innovative angle CAN be successful. But when tainted by mainstream gimmicks, deceptive advertising, and cliche characters, it fails miserably. ...

Cloverfield   8/02/08
by MorbidPig
One of the best movies I've ever seen, with wonderul cinematic stlye, and a plot with questions that leave you hanging. A true film for thriller fans. ...

Cloverfield   8/01/08
by Used Future
Cloverfield is a worthy blockbuster in that it treats its audience with the respect they deserve. The acting may only be moderate, but it's the spectacle you've come to see, and the excitement that satisfies. ...

Cloverfield   6/23/08
by drewmachine
I understand the filmmaker was going for the whole '9/11 home video cinematographer' look but seriously even my 10 year old cousin can hold a camcorder steadier than that. ...

Cloverfield   5/24/08
by Darth Stujitzu
Cloverfield is an intresting and slick production, not that you would expect anything else with JJ's name attached, and for once it was one of those big summer blockbusters that actually came close to living up to the hype bestowed upon it. ...

Cloverfield   5/13/08
by mark f
Yes, it's better than most all the '50s and '60s films of a similar nature, but those were all low-budget, mostly-cornball, and knew it. I find this film better in most every way, but it still seems more like a gimmicky blueprint than a full-blooded sci-fi/horror/monster flick. ...

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