The Shoutbox
I meant it's a tiny thing to be removed is all.
It doesn't take much for them to do it.
It's not as if they're opening you up like with a heart op or something. My Dad had triple bypass... that was major.

My ex was passed out for about 12 hours after the op but she was fine afterward.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Originally Posted by matt72582
Update: It's either my liver or gallbladder. Got some blood work today, and have an ultrasound on Friday.
Gallbladder is a minor op if an op is needed. My ex needed it done a week after having our second child.
They basically knock you out and use keyhole surgery.
Disagree about "minor op". You're having an organ removed. It hurts like hell, but definitely needs to be done if that's the problem. Gall bladder issues are what killed Deadite if I recall correctly.
Originally Posted by matt72582
Update: It's either my liver or gallbladder. Got some blood work today, and have an ultrasound on Friday.
Gallbladder is a minor op if an op is needed. My ex needed it done a week after having our second child.
They basically knock you out and use keyhole surgery.
Update: It's either my liver or gallbladder. Got some blood work today, and have an ultrasound on Friday.
Looks like a well done flick...
Working on my review for Ex Machina.
I think I've been Destiny's little sh^t for many years now. And I'm not the only one. We're all little sh^t's to her.
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
Originally Posted by honeykid
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
We had a storm that blew several of my belongings into the yard. There I am at almost three in the morning, gathering my belongings out of my yard, and hanging them around my house to dry.
All in a dry now? Where were the belongings that they made for the door?
You silly little *****, you. I had a few of those Rubbermaid totes, filled with holiday decorations, sitting on my front porch. I was going to sort them out. Oh yeah, they got sorts.
I thought I was special that I was the only one that you call little sh*t ;(
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
This IPad just needs to stop trying to correct my damn words. It messes them up, the little ****.

For example . . . "Oh yeah, they got sorts" is really "Oh yeah, they got sorted."

That is really annoying me.
I love how you changed your title also I am on my mobile now so I will visit you guys in the morning. So Fate do you know you can go right now to your ipad's settings and turn off your damn corrector right? There is a section call keyboard I think it was there or in general settings, tattwo out
Originally Posted by Farhan Mahmood
is there anyone or any website or any forum in which one could pitch movie ideas to someone?
Get it published, copyrighted, and then it might be taken seriously. The "industry" is fickle, they usually pay a person to say no, be persistent, but work on the writing. Then they won't be asking for references, etc etc., if the content is there in front of them.
Oh, most definitely.