The Shoutbox
Careful tho. Zombieputer may attack.
Actually, it came back on, so yay!
It was on its last legs for a while though.
I think my computer just died
I want a clown playing an accordion at MY funeral. And i hope it rains.
i wanna be know as the non-serious funny guy when i die. but just the right amount. not the kind where they’re like “they were so funny. and that’s why they died in that boating accident.”
I think I got tired of all the other shows I loved getting killed. And the show about zombies just wouldn’t die. I have watched most of the spin offs, tho. Zombie genre has never been stronger, and I’m so over it.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I quit TWD at season 5, and I haven't lost a bit of sleep.
You're definitely not alone. I stuck it out to the bitter end though. Don't really know why since I've given up on other shows. Bojack Horseman, The Simpsons. I've even lost patience with limited series like Secret Invasion. And I watched the first episode of the new True Detective and haven't felt any tug at going back. But I stuck it out with The Walking Dead. Hate Watching FTW!
that counted as 1 btw.
(technically, 2, counting this addition!)
as opposed to Dog Day Afternoon?