Movie You're Watching Tonight


After this, I'll just have one more to watch to complete Mark's top 10 list, and then I'll work on someone else's. So far, this had been a gold mine-

Exams over! (well, until April at least)

Time for some Coen Bros fun

Blood Simple (1984)

and maybe also

Caché (2005)

I loved Amour and The White Ribbon left me cold. Don't know what to expect from this.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Exams over! (well, until April at least)

Time for some Coen Bros fun

Blood Simple (1984)

and maybe also

Caché (2005)

I loved Amour and The White Ribbon left me cold. Don't know what to expect from this.

I love Blood Simple, was on my 80's list.

Watched Cache for the first time last week and thought it was outstanding, looking forward to hearing what you think.

Enjoy both
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Actually, I think I'm going retro tonight... I'm gonna watch Rocky. The extremely hilarious parody from Customplay on youtube got me all hyped up. Lol.

dolls on blu-ray.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Netflix browsing and stumbled upon this film. I've had it on my watchlist for a while so I think I'm gonna tackle it tonight.

Edit: Not viewing this film, Instead I'm checking out the short film Night and Fog.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I loved 12 years a slave, good stuff' sir.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future

Netflix browsing and stumbled upon this film. I've had it on my watchlist for a while so I think I'm gonna tackle it tonight.
On Netflix Instant? Netflix Instant has two version of Harakiri, a 1919 version by Fritz Lang that isn't very good, and the 2011 version by Takashi Miike which isn't very good. The poster you have shown is the 1962 version by Masaki Kobayashi, which is a masterpiece, and far far better than Netflix's two films.

Finished here. It's been fun.
On Netflix Instant? Netflix Instant has two version of Harakiri, a 1919 version by Fritz Lang that isn't very good, and the 2011 version by Takashi Miike which isn't very good. The poster you have shown is the 1962 version by Masaki Kobayashi, which is a masterpiece, and far far better than Netflix's two films.
Whoops, thanks for the correction. The version on Netflix is not the one on my watchlist. Appreciate the heads up.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide

Netflix browsing and stumbled upon this film. I've had it on my watchlist for a while so I think I'm gonna tackle it tonight.

Edit: Not viewing this film, Instead I'm checking out the short film Night and Fog.
Night and Fog is a harrowing masterwork and one of the greatest documentaries of all time.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Hot Shots - I love parody movies like this one and Airplane, it's a shame that nobody makes them anymore. Or if they do, they're stupid. But this one is hilarious.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson