Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Walkabout - 7/10

The Conformist - 9.5/10

Loved it, it's definitely going to be on my 70's list. Thanks for the rec Daniel.

Eraserhead - ???

First time watching this, and i don't have a clue what to say. No idea if i liked it or not . I'll be rewatching it near the deadline, but one thing i can say is that it wont be out of my head for a while.

but the wind was stronger
The Longest Penalty Shot in the World (2005) 7/10
this is the best comedy that i have seen in a long , long time.Fernando is a loser who works in a supermarket and in is spare time is a substitute goalkeeper on a football team in the regional league. but in the last game, the main goalkeeper is injured before a penalty (on the last play of the game ) and Fernando will have to defend the goal for his team. As the field is invaded, the game is postponed one week , to then have the single penalty shoot taken and decide the champion. in that week , Fernando divides is time between training , trying to get the girl of is dreams and trying to resist bribery proposals. search on yt for El Penalti Más Largo Del Mundo for the trailer.

"Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters" - an easy to watch and mediocre film. Quite childish and not the best graphics but could be watched without much effort or engagement. Sets up the next film in the franchise which I am quite looking forward to - I always feel films on these subjects are quite interesting even if the films themselves are not to best.

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Finished here. It's been fun.

The Royal Tenenbaums
+ My favorite Wes Anderson film I've seen so far. Quirky, heartfelt and sweet.

Lucas, I really enjoyed The Royal Tenenbaums also. And I love in the pic you posted how Gene Hackman (who messed up his family's life) is the only one smiling.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

The Shining
A Masterpiece .I am an epic fan of horror movie and seriously this is my all-time favorite , The Performance by Jack Nicholson is Astounding and Certainly one of Stanley Kubrick best movie .

Dallas Buyers Club (2013): One of the better movies I've seen from last year. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto deserved their Oscar statuettes. Their phenomenal performances escalate the movie to another level. It's startling to see how much weight both men lost to prepare for their roles. In the last couple of years, McConaughey has transformed from an actor I purposely avoided to an actor whose work I genuinely look forward to watching. 4.5 out of 5

Oldboy (2013): Not as good as the original, but still a solid movie. I probably would've liked it more if I was unfamiliar with the story and all of its twists and turns. 3 out of 5

Maniac (2012): An improvement over the 1980 original, but that's not saying much. The remake is filmed entirely from the perspective of the Maniac--- similar to found-footage, only different, since the "camera" here is the main character's eyes. The unique approach sets the film apart from your typical slasher. Plus there's an added level of creepiness to seeing through the character's eyes as he stalks and stabs and strangles his victims. However, I think the effect would've been stronger if used in moderation. Save the first-person perspective for the stalks and kills and hallucinations, but allow the audience to see the main character, played by Elijah Wood, when he's attempting to interact with others and portray some sense of normalcy. Regardless, it's an interesting film, even if it isn't wholly successful. Fans of slashers will probably like it. Others not so much. 2 out of 5

Finished here. It's been fun.
Anchorman 2:The Legend Continues

Nothing to see here, just an unfunny turd. Sad, because the first one is one of my favorite comedies.

The 5 DVDs I bought earlier. Just sat and watched them.

Se7en Simply staggering in terms of atmosphere. Great acting throughout and yet again Pitt surprises me. Fincher truly is one of the greatest.

Total Recall Just Verhoeven simply being Verhoeven. Great stuff.

Twelve Monkeys Saw it last time in about 1998... still holds up and Brad Pitt is an absolute Masterclass yet again. Gilliam's eye for detail and photography is also face-slappingly solid.

Universal Soldier The usually racist Roland Emmerich's second best film by a very long way with only Independence Day ahead of it, and Van Damme's best role too. Think of JCVD as an emotionless Terminator style character. Like with Ahnuld, it's a perfect role for a guy with no actual acting talent. Can't go wrong.

Wolf Creek Scary as hell. Maybe more disturbing that anything else really. John Jarratt has to go down as one of the weirdest and scariest movie killers. His acting is also by far the most complex of any Slasher/Torturer I've seen in a long time.

Seriously happy with today's additions to the DVD collection. Just need to find a bigger shelving system, space is running out fast.

"The Butler" - An interesting film. Highlights the main points throughout the Civil Rights Movement and loosely basing it on 'The Butler' enabled the film to do this. Slow paced but covering a lot of ground the film is very intriguing. Forest Whitaker gives one of his best performances. Did feel that the film was rather lackluster in going into details considering the topic and is more an informative film rather than one trying to show the audience exactly what happened.


but the wind was stronger
Space Battleship Yamato (2010) 6/10
decent sci fi movie , god cgi (considering the low budget) , suffers a bit with the «cheesines» and over acting , not uncommon in Japanese cinema . entertaining , yes , but i only recommend this to the fans of the original animated series.

A brilliantly visual piece with characters and a story to match! Plenty of quirky characters one would expect from a Wes Anderson movie with many of his usual troupe returning for this film. And the score was a brilliant fit. Should be an early favorite for the production design Oscars. It was well worth the trip down to Austin.

^ Glad you also liked it, Gunslinger! It might be one of my personal favorite Wes Anderson movies (time will tell if it'll stay like that). I definitely think it's one of his better efforts and I would probably rank it as one of my top three favorite films of his, even after only one viewing. A great piece of work!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Space Battleship Yamato (2010) 6/10
decent sci fi movie , god cgi (considering the low budget) , suffers a bit with the «cheesines» and over acting , not uncommon in Japanese cinema . entertaining , yes , but i only recommend this to the fans of the original animated series.
Watch the 2013 animated series, it's easily the best space opera ever made. Seriously, it's a masterpiece.

''Gran torino by Clint Eastwood''

Very good movie about the racism and the mentality of a war veteran. I very like the casting and the history is unbelievable mainly the end who is shocking and unexpected .
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Finished here. It's been fun.

Das Boot

Close to a masterpiece. A thrilling,terrifying,realistic and powerful story of war. It is 3 1/2 hours long, but it sure as heck doesn't feel like it. I wouldn't mind viewing the 5-hour version one day, this film is That good.