Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Using the popcorn rating system, there are 11 possible ratings to be had. In theory, doesn't that mean that each movie one rates would have a 1 in 11 chance to match each rating? And also, if you're deliberately trying to watch great films, wouldn't the odds of a high rating go up? I would say I give about 1 in 40 movies watched
. So according to my calculations, I'm being too strict. Am I just looking at this with the mindset of a former gambler, or does this make sense?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The high and low ends have less possibilities than the middle in my experience. It's not a question of odds. But I'll admit that my
is a GREAT movie. It's just that those I rate higher have more personal meaning for me.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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The high and low ends have less possibilities than the middle in my experience. It's not a question of odds. But I'll admit that my
is a GREAT movie. It's just that those I rate higher have more personal meaning for me.
Do you have any kind of list of the movies you rate higher then 4/5? Or do you know how many there are?

Look at my mafo's MoFo Top 100. Maybe the top 35 plus a few in the addendum.
Ahhh thanks, I didn't think of that. I've had very good luck watching your favorites.

The Castle of Cagliostro (1979)

I enjoyed it the whole way through; I just wasn't all that into it. For the first half, I just felt like I was watching a good movie, which is what I was hoping for. The second half, I started to feel more like I was watching a cartoon. I know next to nothing about animation, but it looked pretty good to me. Overall, I feel pretty good after watching my first Japanese animation, and I like my chances of enjoying more in the near future.

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Fantastic Voyage (1966)

Bit of a crazy story about a submarine with crew shrunken and injected into someone's bloodstream.Still, i enjoyed it even though is dated plus it stars Raquel Welch

The Iron Giant (1999)

I had put this one off as i never had liked the look of it but was pleasently surprised. Really watchable and the animation was great

Spartacus (1960)

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

@MovieGal: There's nothing wrong with your way of rating films, but I just thought it was a little odd that you don't even give your favorite movie of all time more than a 9 (especially since you've seen so many films in your life). That's all.

I am probably not strict enough with my ratings for instance, but I just post the scores I give movies on My IMDb account. Others also pointed out already that some people are exclusively watching films that look interesting to them and that's another reason why certain members give such high ratings all the time, I think (I also tend to only post the good ones).


Night Moves (1975)

Great film! The plot gets pretty complex and I still have some questions after the ending, but all in all it's a wonderful piece of dark, atmospheric, neo-noir cinema. There's an intriguing and cleverly misleading plot, the characters are all mysterious and interesting and I love the locations Arthur Penn takes us to! This is another '70s film that becomes a contender for my list!

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

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A good straightforward story covered with a huge massacre., simple as that. It's raw and very well done, and the killings (usually basic and varied), are virtually nonstop, leaving us just a brief pause for breathing near the beginning. This movie has everything that could please those about horror at the core, and is also a good proof that the genre keeps yielding.

MovieGal: This argument reminds of This Is Spinal Tap, where instead of making 10 louder, the amp 'goes up to 11'. In this case yours only goes up to 9, why don't you just make 10 quieter?

Honestly, I don't care if someone gives a lot of high ratings. I do because I watch good movies. Hell, I wouldn't mind if someone gave everything a
. In fact, I would want to be that person. I wish I could love every movie I see. That's the best kind of movie fan.

Honestly, I don't care if someone gives a lot of high ratings. I do because I watch good movies. Hell, I wouldn't mind if someone gave everything a
. In fact, I would want to be that person. I wish I could love every movie I see. That's the best kind of movie fan.
I think like this, too. Must be great to really like/love everything you see.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Derek, Im glad you enjoyed that film! I told you it was a great film. Festen is a great film as well by Thomas Vinterberg. You should check it out as well!!
(Hi MG, I can't send a PM since my posts aren't enough, so I reply you by post)
Well thank you for pointing that out and solving my question of what "The Hunt" really means.
Wow, you have seen so many of Mads Mikkelsen's movies! It's a pity that except for The Hunt I haven't seen any more of his movies. But I have heard of the well-known TV series: Hannibal. After watching its trailer, I found Hannibal very intriguing. However, do you think Hannibal can be a bit repulsive sometimes due to its bloody and violent scenes?


You're Next

A good straightforward story covered with a huge massacre., simple as that. It's raw and very well done, and the killings (usually basic and varied), are virtually nonstop, leaving us just a brief pause for breathing near the beginning. This movie has everything that could please those about horror at the core, and is also a good proof that the genre keeps yielding.

ohhh very nice movie ! I love it too
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The Mirror (1975)

I appreciated the beauty in this, and I can see that there's plenty of emotional power to be had. Foreign language drama is tough for me though. To feel the emotion, I need to be invested in the characters; to be invested in the characters, I need to be able to relate to them. My rating reflects not what I think the quality of the film is, but rather what it did for me personally. I wish I got more out of it because there's obviously something there. If I ever decide to watch it again, I think there's the potential that it could be more effective for me.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Honestly, I don't care if someone gives a lot of high ratings. I do because I watch good movies. Hell, I wouldn't mind if someone gave everything a
. In fact, I would want to be that person. I wish I could love every movie I see. That's the best kind of movie fan.
I think like this, too. Must be great to really like/love everything you see.
I enjoy almost every film I watch. There's a few films I hated, but those are to be counted on my fingers. Every film I rate
or above is a movie I at least liked, so seeing my Movie Tab II ratings could give you some idea.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Honestly, I don't care if someone gives a lot of high ratings. I do because I watch good movies. Hell, I wouldn't mind if someone gave everything a
. In fact, I would want to be that person. I wish I could love every movie I see. That's the best kind of movie fan.
I do watch what I consider good to great movies. My movie buddy suggests films to me to watch with him and if it has a lower than 5.5 rating on imdb, I rarely take that chance. I enjoy art type films and even unknown dramas and such but it has to be to my taste. There are very very few films out there I will take a chance on. To me, its like buying a book, if I put it down after the first chapter, I wasted my money and time.

Oh wow.. I am a bit harsh.. ok well thats just me.

The Bib-iest of Nickels

I don't really know all of the words for how I watch to describe this movie. I mean, I liked it. I was certainly entertained by it, but I approach it with a certain awe and wonder. The narrative as a whole is jumbled and contorted, but it's beautifully entertaining with a character that is both absolutely terrible and helplessly wonderful. The script appeared to call for somebody emotionless, and Jack Nicholson decided to give us someone with depth. He's both good and bad, and that really makes it easy to watch the character on the screen. About Schmidt is a very enjoyable movie in that respect.