Iro's Worst Movies Ever

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Welcome to the human race...
Twenty more honourable mentions that can probably be swapped in at various places along the list (the top two are probably worthy of the top 10-20). If you would like some reasoning for my choices, feel free to ask.

Crank: High Voltage
The Human Centipede: First Sequence
Dying Breed
102 Dalmatians
Anaconda 3: The Offspring
Kung Pow! Enter the Fist
Cats and Dogs
Caddyshack II
Hobo with a Shotgun
Rock Star
Rocky V
I Stand Alone
What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?
Wedding Crashers
The Matrix Revolutions
Tom and Jerry: The Movie
Lost in Space
Red Dog
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I don't understand why anyone would make a list of 100 "bad" movies on a site where people adore movies. You're just asking for trouble. That said, for the most part, I understand why most of these movies made the list, and I don't think this was entirely an effort to troll. I think it's especially dangerous to put comedy movies on here though, because comedy is so subjective. I'm not a fan of Will Ferrell either and Talladega Nights is one of two movies I walked out on, but who am I to judge Will Ferrell when he is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood? Take comedy out of the equation and I'm a little more receptive to this type of list although I would never make one myself.

Welcome to the human race...
I don't understand why anyone would make a list of 100 "bad" movies on a site where people adore movies. You're just asking for trouble.That said, for the most part, I understand why most of these movies made the list, and I don't think this was entirely an effort to troll. I think it's especially dangerous to put comedy movies on here though, because comedy is so subjective. I'm not a fan of Will Ferrell either and Talladega Nights is one of two movies I walked out on, but who am I to judge Will Ferrell when he is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood? Take comedy out of the equation and I'm a little more receptive to this type of list although I would never make one myself.
I'd say the reason people would discuss movies they disliked or thought were the worst ones ever made is because part of appreciating movies in general means acknowledging the faults of the bad films as well as the strengths of good films. Also, this is not meant to be a definitive list. On this site, top 100 lists are generally made by individuals so of course they're going to be extremely subjective - the same goes for bottom 100 lists as well. As such, I reckon comedy is fair game for this type of list. By extension, it's perfectly okay to judge Will Ferrell and his cinematic output negatively regardless of his status as a Hollywood star.

Agree with most except Red Dog but then I am a sucker when it come to any movie with an animal in it

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Big fan of Muppet films, then, nebs.

Iro, I'm with you on all those, whether I've seen them or not, with the exception of Cats & Dogs. Cats rool.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I liked High Voltage and The Human Centipede, really liked Hobo With a Shotgun, and loved Wedding Crashers. It's easy to see why someone might dislike those though. I Stand Alone is on my watchlist and I'll probably watch Rock Star at some point.

Totally agree with you regarding Top Gun...even though the movie came out in the 80's, it's so dated it feels like it came out in the 50's...the flying sequences are confusing and hard to follow and Cruise and Kelly McGillis had absolutely NO chemistry (maybe the fact that she's gay IRL had something to do with it). I also agree with you that Val Kilmer was the best thing about the movie.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
#86 - Mars Attacks!
Tim Burton, 1996

It's been ages since I watched this all the way through and I'll readily admit that I don't really get it, but this film really doesn't do anything for me. Not even wacked-out cameos and ridiculously shiny CGI come close to saving it.

Am I the only one who doesn't think that Mars Attacks! belongs here? I'll agree that it's not one of the best movies ever made, but it's far from the worst too. Any movie that has Jack Nicholson killed off TWICE, can't be all bad. It's one of my guilty pleasure movies.

Totally agree with you regarding Top Gun...even though the movie came out in the 80's, it's so dated it feels like it came out in the 50's...the flying sequences are confusing and hard to follow and Cruise and Kelly McGillis had absolutely NO chemistry (maybe the fact that she's gay IRL had something to do with it). I also agree with you that Val Kilmer was the best thing about the movie.
Yeah, she's gay. That was the problem.

#23 - House of 1000 Corpses
Rob Zombie, 2003

I've got to give it to Zombie - his heart's in the right place as he crafts an affectionate homage to grindhouse horror movies. Problem is that the film is by and large pretty crap, and all his haphazard MTV-style filmmaking and attempts at shock value don't do much for the film after all.

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Crank: High Voltage
The Human Centipede: First Sequence
Dying Breed
102 Dalmatians
Anaconda 3: The Offspring
Kung Pow! Enter the Fist
Cats and Dogs
Caddyshack II
Hobo with a Shotgun
Rock Star
Rocky V
I Stand Alone
What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?
Wedding Crashers
The Matrix Revolutions
Tom and Jerry: The Movie
Lost in Space
Red Dog
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves
Crank: High Voltage is good! I love all these crazy action movies with that British guy. Kung Pow! Enter the Fist is good to, The Human Centipede: First Sequence is also a nice film. The Matrix movie is decent, not very good but still watchable.

Welcome to the human race...
Personally, I think you're being a little hard on The Longest Yard...yes, the original was better, but Sandler has made worse movies.
I know there are worse Sandler films and that's why there are at least two or three other films that are higher up on the list than The Longest Yard.

Totally agree with you regarding Top Gun...even though the movie came out in the 80's, it's so dated it feels like it came out in the 50's...the flying sequences are confusing and hard to follow and Cruise and Kelly McGillis had absolutely NO chemistry (maybe the fact that she's gay IRL had something to do with it). I also agree with you that Val Kilmer was the best thing about the movie.
It doesn't help that the main thing people seem to remember about it these days is the homoerotic subtext more so than the flying sequences or Cruise's whole "brilliant but troubled" protagonist.

Am I the only one who doesn't think that Mars Attacks! belongs here? I'll agree that it's not one of the best movies ever made, but it's far from the worst too. Any movie that has Jack Nicholson killed off TWICE, can't be all bad. It's one of my guilty pleasure movies.
I might be due for a re-watch, but from what I remember I can't imagine much reason to revisit it. I'm probably more likely to check out the sort of old B-grade films that inspired it - at least if they're not actually good, then hopefully they'll be so bad that they're entertaining.

Crank: High Voltage is good! I love all these crazy action movies with that British guy. Kung Pow! Enter the Fist is good to, The Human Centipede: First Sequence is also a nice film. The Matrix movie is decent, not very good but still watchable.
As far as actors go, Jason Statham is kind of a deal-breaker for me. Dude just rubs me the wrong way more often than not. The first Crank had a good premise but more often than not the execution didn't work for me so it's about a
or a
- bad, but not that bad. High Voltage is one of those sequels that shamelessly rehashes a lot of the same elements but tries to compensate by making them even more out-and-out ridiculous and even introducing more bizarre elements. The end result just ends up feeling forced and desperate. I also wanted to like Kung Pow but most of the jokes fell flat and for a film that barely reached feature-length it sure did seem to drag on forever (the only good parts were the ones where the original film was dubbed over). Human Centipede is about as far from "nice" as cinema can get. Half of it plays out like the most laughably clichéd horror movie ever and the other half is just nasty. Revolutions may have been a stretch, though, but I'm probably not going to watch it again so what difference does it make?

Am I the only one who doesn't think that Mars Attacks! belongs here? I'll agree that it's not one of the best movies ever made, but it's far from the worst too. Any movie that has Jack Nicholson killed off TWICE, can't be all bad. It's one of my guilty pleasure movies.
I love Mars Attacks!...can't believe it's on this list.

I'd say the reason people would discuss movies they disliked or thought were the worst ones ever made is because part of appreciating movies in general means acknowledging the faults of the bad films as well as the strengths of good films. Also, this is not meant to be a definitive list. On this site, top 100 lists are generally made by individuals so of course they're going to be extremely subjective - the same goes for bottom 100 lists as well. As such, I reckon comedy is fair game for this type of list. By extension, it's perfectly okay to judge Will Ferrell and his cinematic output negatively regardless of his status as a Hollywood star.
Cannot believe Talladega Nights made this list...if there's a Will Ferrell movie that needs to be on this list, it's Bewitched.

I gotta give it to ya when it comes to creating an honest subjective list no matter what people say!

I respect people who's not afraid to say their honest opinion; although there is some odd choices here and there, and I have a feeling that you were in a wrong mood or didn't know what the movie was aiming for when you watched it. Personally I have tried to rate a movie a 6 then a 10, a 4 then a 10, a 3 then a 8 and so on...

When you are giving some of these a second chance I recommend you go read a few reviews and some background info as well, trying to get a sense of the film before going for it again. And most importantly have an open mind. The reason From Dusk Till Dawn worked for me the second time around was because I had an open mind and expected pure B-movie fun and I ended up really enjoying it!