Rate The Last Movie You Saw


the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Gravity (2013)

Really loved the visuals and thought both Clooney and Bullock were very good however i was a bit let down with the script and plotholes. Still, I really enjoyed it for some pretty mindless fun and am sure it would have been better in 3D (despite what HK thinks).

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Sweet Sixteen (2002)

This is about a boy on the verge of turning 16 in Scotland. His life sucks and he's involved in a bit of criminal activity. It's realistic with some good power and emotion. I could've used subtitles, but I didn't have them. According to Wiki, the language is Scots? I couldn't understand 75% of what they were saying, but I was still able to enjoy and follow the movie.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The Mission -

So much better than Exiled and Drug War. What Johnnie To film should I watch next?
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Unfortunately one of my least favorite movies of the year. It fails in trying to make its slow witted character, Pattinson, profound. It fails in trying to make its silence profound. I needed a reason why this world and the characters in it were the way they were and The Rover neglected to give me any. The ending will make all the difference for some, it felt silly to me.

Drive (2011): 5/10
Not that great in my opinion, saved by the bell.

Donnie Darko: 10/10
Fantastic. A must watch. One of my top 5 without a doubt.

The secret life of Walter Mitty: 7/10
The background images/scenes and soundtrack were great but the acting was only decent. Definitely not a bad movie, but lacks emotion.
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Love to hear some reasons why, because I think it's a solid movie. Comic fan or not.
The story was dreary and bland. The acting was dreary and bland. I normally love Amy Adams. That was her worst performance by far.

The special effects were over-the-top, loud and obnoxious. It felt like the movie was trying to lull you to sleep then throwing a bucket of ice water in your face to wake you up.

There was no fun in the movie to be had. It wasn't trying to be a fun movie, I get that, but then it should go dark and nihilistic. It didn't. It just reminds me of an overcast, gloomy, drizzly day with someone lighting a few fireworks here and there but you have a headache and it's just annoying.

The first few minutes I was turning up the volume just thinking I couldn't hear it correctly.
It's set in Greenock which is very close to Glasgow. The two main characters Liam and Pinball are supposed to be neds or chavs in England, so as well as the accents you have to deal with alot of heavy slang. I think i said somewhere that everyone except me and Jaydee should use Subtitles. Glad you enjoyed it anyway .

Toy Story 3 - 8/10

Been quite busy lately so it took almost a week for me to get around to this. Watched it last nght and had alot of fun, it's quite weird how long i left ths considering how much i loved the first two. I understand that some peoples criticism of this is that it''s essentially one big toy commercial, and while i see where they are coming from i think it worked perfectly. A cuddly bear that smells like strawberries as a criminal mastermind, Ken as one of his henchmen, and a big baby doll as the enforcer . At this point i'd say the second is still my favourite, and the other two are about equal; depending on what i see between here and the deadline there's a chance all three will make my list.

The only thing that worries me about this is Woody and co. going to the little girl at the end. With all the money the Toy Story movies made i think it's clear the ending was to leave the possibility of another sequel open, and while it could work i think it's a better idea to just wrap up an excellent trilogy there.

True Romance

Found this gem for $6 I think at Target. This was my second viewing of the movie. I originally gave it an 8/10 (IMDB), but I after seeing it again, it's deserving of a 9. What great writing in this film! But are you surprised? Well, no, because it was written by Quentin Tarantino! I love the nod's to Tarantino as well. The Kung Fu movies starring Sonny Chiba (who was also Hattori Hanzo), Elvis being Clarence's mentor, and the discussion about Oscar movies not taking risks. I thought that was genius haha. This movie is also PACKED with stars! If you look at the full cast there is some true talent there. Even Samuel L. Jackson makes an appearance for about 2 minutes. Everyone is great in this movie. The late great James Gandolfini is phenomenal! His character is so creepy and menacing, when we finally see what he's capable of it's horrific. The only glaring flaw this movie has is the music. The music and soundtrack are great don't get me wrong. But the theme music for the movie "You're so cool" I felt was placed in at some really awful times. The tone of the music and the tone of the particular scene would not match at all! Besides that love this movie. I'll be rewatching it many times now that I own it.

"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Rewatched Evolution recently, as decent as I remember it
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Unfortunately one of my least favorite movies of the year. It fails in trying to make its slow witted character, Pattinson, profound. It fails in trying to make its silence profound. I needed a reason why this world and the characters in it were the way they were and The Rover neglected to give me any. The ending will make all the difference for some, it felt silly to me.

jamierreed92's Avatar
Registered User
Watched Bad Words on DVD and This Is Where I Leave You in Theater's this week.

Bad Words was way better than I expected. Jason Bateman was incredible. The humor was hilariously crude, which is right up my alley. The little Indian fella has the sweetest voice ever! I did think that the story was weak in a couple places, but overall it was a really funny film that will tug at your heart strings a tad. 4.2

This Is Where I Leave You- Adam Driver was seriously the PERFECT casting decision for his character. He was incredible. However, I felt at times Tina Fey and Jason Bateman came across as a couple, and not as brother and sister. I loved the plot/story but it was really sad that the things I guessed toward the beginning weren't answered. Like if Tina Fey and Timothy Oliphant's character ever get back together.. Or if maybe Jason Bateman and Abigail Spencer's characters decided to give their baby away to Corey Stoll and Katheryn Hahn (bc they couldn't conceive), plus a couple more. I really hope they plan on having a sequel, bc if they don't, its gonna be a sad ending, which isn't fun in this case.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Untouchable (2011)

Excellent movie. Cluzet is brilliant as usual as the rich quadriplegic who seeks a new carer and in turn gets more out of life than he ever did. It's pretty inspiring and funny too. Minio was maybe right in saying it was overrated, ive heard it praised as one of the best French films ever which is a total nonsense. Still its a great watch.


I could've used subtitles, but I didn't have them. According to Wiki, the language is Scots? ]
It's English, not that you'd know it.

Hello my Scotish friends!

Honestly, I didn't have too much of a problem, but I certainly missed stuff, but nothing that I feel prevented me from taking the meaning or missed out. Seems you felt the same.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Michael Clayton (2007)

Smart thriller; not necessarily the kind that keeps you on the edge of your seat, but one that gets you involved. It's very well made with excellent performances, featuring arguably George Clooney's best. Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton, and Sydney Pollack all do their part to make sure it's not a one man show. I think it's a movie that will fade from most people's memories, but if you have two hours to spare, it's damn good.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide

Compliance (2012) - written & directed by Craig Zobel

An odd viewing.

As I was watching this film, I couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed with how implausible and inconceivable it felt. It made me actually resent the work to a rather high degree until I discovered it was based on an shockingly tragic and literally unbelievable true story:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_s... shington_scam

The beginning of the film states that everything depicted was based on true events, and nothing was exaggerated in the least. With my luck, I happened to miss the first five minutes, so I was under the impression that everything was just... part of the film. Consequently, as I was watching it, I was completely dumbfounded with how inane and ludicrous these characters were. I couldn't believe somebody actually wrote a script so far-fetched and distant from reality.

But none of it is fallacious. Ultimately - with what I initially perceived to be a vacuously written and directed film - was actually an extremely compelling and insightful examination into human behaviour, and how far we go when it comes to complying with authority figures, regardless of how implausible everything might feel. It's a really interesting film, and one that I'd highly recommend. Shocking, bold, perturbing, and, in every sense of the word, unbelievable. It borders on the downright absurd at times. In many respects, it spawned the same level of shock as "The Imposter" when it comes to believing these real life happenings.

For those that are interested in the actual real-life case:

What ultimately happened in the film really echoes the work many social psychologists have done with their notorious Milgram experiments. It's truly remarkable how we succumb to authority, even in the most extreme and dubious times.

I watched Need for speed recently and found it was quite good so I would give it 8/10