Rate The Last Movie You Saw


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

The Americanization of Emily (1964)

The Americanization of Emily is a wartime comedy/drama starring James Garner, Julie Andrews, Melvyn Douglas and James Coburn, but it's more drama than comedy, so don't expect a laugh-a-minute movie.

James Garner stars as a naval officer who falls in love with Julie Andrews, and then gets sent on a very dangerous mission. They realize that their views on the war are very different, and there are a few tense scenes before he leaves.

The movie started off a little bit slow, but it picked up nicely, and ended up being a very good movie. I expected a little better chemistry between James Garner and Julie Andrews, but their chemistry gets better as the movie goes on as well.

Overall, this is a very good movie, and I recommend seeing it.

Men In Black 3 (2012) - 6/10

Watchable enough popcorn flick - thought Josh Brolin played his part very well, Jermaine Clement was good, Tommy Lee Jones sauntered through it and Will Smith hammed it up as usual.

This is a nice movie

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Before Midnight


Lunacy (2005)

Conspirators of Pleasure (1996)

Anyone here a fan of Svankmajer? Seriously strange movie experiences these.

Water for Elephants

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964)

Take Robin Hood and his Merry Men, and make them gangsters in Chicago in the 1930s, and you end up with Robin and the 7 Hoods.

This movie stars most of the Rat Pack, with Frank Sinatra as Robbo (Robin Hood), Dean Martin as John (Little John), and Sammy Davis Jr. as Will (Will Scarlett). Two members of the Rat Pack are missing, (Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop), but they're replaced with Peter Falk as Guy Gisborne, and Bing Crosby as Allen A. Dale, who both do a great job.

As a musical, this is just an average movie, with a few good songs, but nothing that shines like some of the better musicals, but as a movie, it's a fun movie with an interesting twist on the classic Robin Hood.

For anyone in the UK who's interested in seeing this, it's on BBCFour tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Kill List (2011)

Creepy, disturbing, atmospheric and mysterious. Kill List is one of the darkest films I've seen, and also has a really ambitious way of merging genres together. Kind of slow moving at times, but overall pretty entertaining. Not sure if I liked the camerawork or not, the lighting was good but there seemed to be a lot of handheld stuff, which I'm not a huge fan of. Anyway, if you're bored and are in the mood for a dark and disturbing thriller, watch Kill List. It's on Netflix.

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Streamers (Altman, 1983) - 4/10 - I either really, really love some Altman films, or some are just plain misses. This could have been a great movie, but I think the homosexual exploits were too much. They make every gay man so unlikeable, that it becomes the movie, instead of Vietnam in that movie. Even a show I used to watch "Six Feet Under" - the only thing David talks about is his homosexuality. Some think it's great to have a gay man on the show, but I think it's exploitation, incorrect, marketing, and does the opposite...

Back to the Future: Part II


Starts off a mess, but get's better once we leave the future scenes (I'm aware that Bob's Gale and Zemeckis were taking the p*ss with these scenes, but the editting seemed pretty sloppy at times and it really wasn't much fun). Even then it never reaches the same level of enjoyment as the first (or even the third).

You can tell Robert Zemeckis hadn't committed himself as fully to this film as he should've done, something he's since admitted.

But...it's still alright and always gets me in the mood to watch Part III.
Personally, I thought Back to the Future Part II was the weakest of the three films.

Here are the films I have watched in the last like 4 or 5 days.

The Seventh Seal 10/10!
Absolutely brilliant movie! The only Bergman I have seen and I can wait to see more!

Match Point 10/10!
I loved this film. Best of 2005, easily! Highly recomended.

Vertigo 10/10
This was just amazing! One of Hitchcocks best.

Russian Ark 10/10
This was breathtaking! One of the most beautiful films I have ever.

David Cronenberg's The Fly 9/10
I love Cronenberg and this is his second worst, but still great.

Inside Man 9/10!
I love this film, freakin' love it!!!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail 9/10
I LOVE this movie. The ending is soo good.

The Man Who New Too Much 9/10
Loved this film and the ending made me so happy. This is the worst Hitchcock I have seen so far(I think) and it's still a nine!

Yi Yi 10/10
This is without a doubt the best film of the decade. I enjoyed every moment of it. I loved the kid that plays Yang-Yang(Jonathan Chang) and everyone else was good, but Yang-Yang was just unbelievable! Great shots throughout the film, I loved how he used the mirror so much. What I like the most though is that it has humor, sensitivity, and emotion, thats what I want in my films!! The ending of the movie is sad, but also happy in a way one of the best endings ever also one of the best films ever.
I have no problems with most of your ratings except for Inside Man...hated that movie with a white hot passion. Very pleased to see that you enjoyed The Man who Knew too Much so much...I love that movie.

Had a bit of a dvd fest last night, We watched-

Human Traffic-9/10, Still love this film

Smokey and the Bandit 9/10, A classic film

Clue 9/10, Don't know why but it's still funny

And finally Monty Python and the Holy Grail 10/10, Need i say more!

Nice to see some love for Smokey and the Bandit,,,it ain't Ibsen, but its a lot of fun.

Murder by Decree (1979) - 6.5/10. Nice movie.
My Favorite Films

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

When I saw this had 3 and a half hours I thought that I couldn't do it in one sitting. However, I couldn't stop watching it!
An epic masterpiece of enormous scale! The directing, the wrinting, the music, the photography, the acting (Peter O'Toole is a damn genious), everything is so so perfect!
A lesson for every actual movie director that thinks CGI is the future... You don't need CGI when you have true talent!

Blue Jasmine (2013)

Strange, funny and sad. A very simple but effective story of a once wealthy woman hitting rock bottom and losing her mind. Great performance from Cate Blanchett, well deserving of the oscar.

Woody Allen's accustomed solid writing and directing and a brilliant performance from Cate Blanchett did make Blue Jasmine watching despite the fact that the lead character was immensely unlikable.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - 7/10

I 100% saw this film because of the dance number at the barn raising that Citizen Rules posted way back in that "Why Do People Hate Musicals" thread. Although I'm starting to come around a bit to the idea of them, I have historically disliked musicals across the board. This one... well, it's a mixed bag, that's for sure. The two main leads have obscenely good, operatic voices with the perfect amount of vibrato (not enough to obscure their lines, but more than enough to add a rich, layered texture to their singing). The choreography, especially for the barn raising scene, is just as amazing. The plot, however, is more than a little problematic: starting off as seemingly a Western retelling Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it quickly progresses into the protagonists kidnapping the town's womenfolk under the belief of "they really like / want it, even if they say that they don't," detaining them in isolation for an extended period of time, and then being forcibly wed after apparently succumbing to Stockholm Syndrome. I know it's a comedy, and I try to keep that in mind, but the plot... it still has issues.
I think you might have taken Seven Brides for Seven Brothers a little too seriously.