Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Coach carter 9/10

The Pursuit of Happyness 8.5/10

Finished here. It's been fun.

Sans Soleil

This is one of the most gentle and soothing films I have ever seen, as it lulls you into a hypnotic trance. The visuals are evocative and the calm narration lends the films a somewhat dreamlike quality. This is basically a love-letter to the world, it's beauty and it's blemishes.

My first comment D. Yesterday i saw Not Cool that movie from the youtuber Shane Dawson. Actually it was better than i thought especially because of the little many for the production of it. I don't know if I kind of like it because it was pretty "accurate" (i would said is the word) about 20years-old-people who finished highed school a few years ago and know some of them enjoys this new phase and others want to go back to school.

I am not demanding but just for being orginal and funny doesn't make it perfect. 7/10 i would say, it 's hard for me to rate i have never done that before ;(.


Beginning in Yojimbo, Sanjuro staunchly positioned himself as one of cinema’s most enigmatic, adrenaline-charged characters. Sanjuro is brilliantly paced and rife with thrilling action. This film has one of the most chilling, gory deaths of its decade and preceding decades I have ever seen. Kurosawa, as expected, exemplifies a command of action and a knack for propelling the story through emotional scenes of dialogue and elevated performances.

I much prefer Yojimbo but both are great.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

One that I missed in the theater last year. Isaac is doing his best to channel his inner Corleone, specifically Michael. He does a pretty good job of it but unfortunately he is the only compelling character in the film. He and the cinematography made me enjoy it, but definitely didn't elevate it.

Family Plot (1976) - Alfred Hitchcock (American Thriller)
I've seen 12 Hitchcock films from 1960 or earlier and liked/loved them all. I've now seen three from after 1960 and have been disappointed every time. This just felt really bland and was missing the psychological element that made Hitchcock one of the great directors.


How's the whiskey business, Mr Sims?
You make it, i'll haul it

The law killed Burt Reynold's brother in Bogan County, that we cannot abide. A whiskey runnin', motor spinnin' of a good ole time. That sheriff up in Bogan County, he owns Bogan County. Two things in the world Gator McKlusky's scared of? Women and the police. Sufficing beef in the script, teeth in the action, & dat soundtrack by Charles Bernstein.
You want my recipe for sugar puddin'?

8.0 / 10

Nightcrawler (2014) - Dan Gilroy

Of course it exaggerated, but I didn't mind.

8 out of 10
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

The Accordion (2010) - Jafar Panahi (Iranian Drama - Short)
My introduction to Panahi was a really nice way to spend seven minutes. Watch it on Youtube here - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J0qDkHB6XCI
Very nice one, thanks for the link...

Master of My Domain
Furious 7 (2015)

This film is loud, dizzy, explosive, violent, nonsensical, death-cheating, chock leaded with hot girls, Elementary school level of dialogue and one liners, adrenaline pumped overlong 140 min film... which is exactly what I expected. Loud, dizzy, explosive, violent, nonsensical, death-cheating, chock loaded with hot girls, Elementary school level of dialogue and one liners, adrenaline pumped overlong 140 min. Closest thing we'll ever get to a Grand Theft Auto movie.

The Unscrupulous Ones (1962) - Ruy Guerra (Brazilian Drama)
Felt a bit like a Brazilian version of Breathless ... except with much more nudity. Visually this is one of the best black & white films I've ever seen - it was really the highlight of the movie and makes me want to watch more of Guerra's films. BTW, for anyone who hasn't heard of Guerra (which included me until very recently), he was in Herzog's Aguirre; The Wrath of God and made Mozambique's first feature film apparently (thanks Wikipedia).

21 grams

Santa Sangre (1989) - Alejandro Jodorowsky (Mexican Horror)
One of the best horror movies I've seen - in fact I'd place it at number 2 behind The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. The whole thing was like a nightmare and yet it had a couple of really beautiful moments. Great movie.

I saw Ip man (2008) a couple of days ago.

This is a quite known film so you might already know but the story follows the martial arts master Ip man as he surprises the people with his own style of fighting. Later on in the film we are shown how the Japanese attack the Chinese which eventually makes the Chinese people very poor, including Ip man and his family. This film is inspired by the real life of the martial arts master Ip man who also had many known students such as Bruce Lee.

I really enjoyed this film. There were a couple of fighting scenes that overdid it a little bit but there were not too many of them and these are to be expected from a film of this genre.

I do not really know how you guys put up those popcorn ratings but I would give this film a 4/5. There is a second one as well which I thought was pretty good too but I did enjoy the first one more.

You do popcorn-ratings by putting:


Without the * in them. And then you can put from 1-5 or .5 as well. And it will look like this:

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
And [*rating]0[/rating] for
and [*rating]0.5[/rating] for
Iro is the only one who uses ratings that low on a daily basis.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews