Movie You're Watching Tonight


The new Poltergeist

it's october you know
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Master of My Domain
Anti Christ (2009)

Does Anti-Christ have actual anti-Christian themes or is the title just like that?
You should watch it and find out.

Master of My Domain
Django Unchained

That has got to be the smallest poster ever posted on this thread.

That has got to be the smallest poster ever posted on this thread.
I know i laughed out loud when i saw it. Its this PS3 it is a bitch to post pics from. I'm keeping it though, i think it draws you in with its unimpressiveness.

Grey days are perfect for movies...or emotional let's go to the show.