Movie You're Watching Tonight


Master of My Domain
A Man of All Seasons (1966)

For the 8th Hall of Fame.

A Man of All Seasons (1966)

For the 8th Hall of Fame.

Hate, I may have to watch that. I have probably seen it before but can't recall at this time.

Hate, I may have to watch that. I have probably seen it before but can't recall at this time.
God I hate spell check on my phone. It should read Gats

Registered User
I just watched Legally Blonde lol it was on TV

Master of My Domain
God I hate spell check on my phone. It should read Gats
You can easily get rid of spell check I think. Both IPhone and Android devices.

This is the first film in what may be the greatest movie week I have ever experienced. Looks great, reviews are great, and can't see Christian Bale's eye.

The Event (2015) by Sergei Loznitsa

As a former history student who used a huge amount of time diving into the history of the eastern European countries, the revolutions of 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union this should be very interesting.

I'm rewatching the force awakens in one of those recliner chair full bar and food service type places. Excited!
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.