Things that annoy you...


Registered User
Feminists who find misogyny where it doesn't actually exist.

One of my Facebook friends posted yesterday about how "bad" the movie Gone Girl was and when pressed for an explanation she accused it of being misogynistic and sending the message that "bitches be crazy." Since when does having one psychopathic female character make a film anti-women? The smartest and most level headed characters in the movie were female and it's not like the male characters were portrayed in any positive light. You've got the douchebag cheating husband, the lazy cop who's all too eager to accept the "simplest explanation" for what happened instead of actually doing his job, the obsessive creepy stalker guy, and the sleazebag lawyer who seeks fame and money by defending said douchebag husband and others like him. I didn't see any anti-female messages in the film, just a story about one psychotic (but also brilliant) woman. You see movies all the time where the brilliantly manipulative psychopath is male, why is it wrong to portray a woman that way?

And you know what? Some bitches do be crazy. I see nothing wrong with a movie about one such crazy bitch, even if she is fictional.

I'd extend that to politically-correct police who find racism/homophobia/sexism/(insert random "phobia" here) in places where it doesn't exist.

And as you pointed out, it's nearly always a double-standard.

wanabe movie critique
i absolutely hate verbal movie the cinema!!!
Can't they just wait for the movie to be over???

Things that annoy me are

1. A person who loves to hear the sound of their own voice. They continue to talk about nonsense and no one around them is paying attention or even cares what they are talking about.

2. a Habitual Liar - a person who lies so much they even believe their own lies.

3. A inconsiderate fool - someone who has no respect or feelings for someone else's feelings or opinions

4. A man lead by a woman's p*ssy - yup I said it. Men who only want a woman for one thing and will listen to any bullsh*t she spurts out of her ugly trap just because he wants to get a piece.

5. A woman who is older in life who acts like she's still in high school. You are in your mid to late 30's, grow up and act like it!!!

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i absolutely hate verbal movie the cinema!!!
Can't they just wait for the movie to be over???
I can't stand those at music concerts. Add on that people who want to show everyone they not only know the lyrics, but can sing better than who I came to see, and the off-beat clapping.

Also those have to have their phones out. A friend of mine was distracting me when we saw "The Wall" - he videotaped the entire thing on a little phone. I don't know what he was thinking?

"I can't wait to go home so I can watch this on my little phone!"

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hate it when people at the grocery store park their shopping cart sideways RIGHT in the middle of the aisle. Then you can't get past them. Stupid people.

Top 3 Annoying Cliches of Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2015 Video Makers

  1. Honorable mentions. It's not enough I take my time off my busy schedule to listen to their top 10 video, I also have to walk through their honorable mentions list which could include anything from one to infinity movies. I've noticed the ones who list their mentions before they go in to top 10 are especially annoying as it is possible to listen them speak for 5 minutes only to realize they are still babbling about random movies, if you wasn't paying full attention. And really, why not list movies from 1982 as honorable mentions and say, if they were made in 2015 they would be in top 10. Word of advice: if you want to talk about more than 10 movies, make a top 20 list for example.
  2. MY list explanations. It sounds especially peculiar coming from a guy with 5 subscribers and 10 views who explains how the list is his and not real list of 2015. But they always leave out directions to the mythical real list.
  3. Video maker had trouble placing movies in order- a cliche that appears in more than 50 percent of videos.

I can't stand those at music concerts. Add on that people who want to show everyone they not only know the lyrics, but can sing better than who I came to see, and the off-beat clapping.
What kind of concerts are you going to that you can actually hear other people speaking or singing along? Do you get nosebleed seats or something?

I can never hear a damn thing that isn't coming out of the speakers.

Cats crapping outside their litter box because they're senile and sick and you can't keep them because you live in an apartment and the vet won't put them down for you so you don't know what to do except maybe take them to the pound and hope they'll take them. (and breathe!)
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
What kind of concerts are you going to that you can actually hear other people speaking or singing along? Do you get nosebleed seats or something?

I can never hear a damn thing that isn't coming out of the speakers.
For example, the last concert was the Eagles. Front row. Before the show an announcer said, "The Eagles would appreciate you put away your phones and just enjoy the show". One guy kept giving his wife commentary on the history of the band, and talked about a few songs (which he was mistaken about), and then when someone would pull out a phone, a security guard would come running down, yell, and I'm trying to hear an acoustic set! Later that night, a guy lights a cigarette in an indoor stadium, there's a lot of arguing back and forth.

Same thing with Steely Dan and Neil Young, people dance around, so everyone has to stand up, horribly singing and clapping incorrectly.

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
People who leave their turn signal on

People who can walk but walk way to slow

Slow drivers on the road

Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

I'm not old, you're just 12.
It sounds petty, and it is, but this seems like the place for petty annoyances...

People who cannot shut up about how much they love their wife/husband/significant other/etc. I mean once in a while is fine. But when it is all they ever talk about, every day, you just want to tell them to shut it. I'm happy for you, I truly am, it's awesome that you've found someone who makes you happy, but at some point it becomes an irritant to listen to such rapturous declarations of love every time you open your mouth. Have some courtesy for others who maybe aren't as lucky as you are!

Yes, I KNOW this sounds like petty jealousy, and yeah, sometimes it seems like that way to me too, but it doesn't take away the fact that it IS irritating.

"How have you been?"
"I love my wife so much, she's my best friend and so much more..."
"Not what I asked. Want to go get lunch?"
"The sun shines out of her arse and she pukes rainbows and farts candy and..."

We ALL know this person.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
It annoys me when I have to peel a sticker off of something I buy. Put the damn stickers somewhere else.

It's even worse at thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales when they write the price using a permanent marker right on the item.

It annoys me when I have to peel a sticker off of something I buy. Put the damn stickers somewhere else.
This. I often find those old dvd's in the cardboard cases at Value Village, and the stickers are a real bugger to get off without ruining the cover. Turpentine comes in very handy, but then the box stinks. All price stickers should be the easy peel variety by law.

Master of My Domain
Freemium games I'm currently playing piss me off so much. Here's a video that does my ranting for me:

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Over the top public displays of affection. I don't mean a small peck or holding hands, but those people who practically sit on top of each other swallowing each others faces when you're trying to eat gets on my nerves, and it happens all the time at Sixth Form

Finding the end of sticking tape.

When you really need to use the bus but you only have notes.

Getting the bus.

When waiters ask you if everything is okay when you have a mouth full of food.

When the adverts on YouTube buffer but you're not far enough into them to skip to the video.