Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Tangerine (2015) by Sean Baker

This was one of the most interesting / important American movies from the last decade that i have seen. I didn't have high expectations but the whole setup worked really well. The underlying social conscious, in terms of depicting transsexual prostitutes and their intertwined love story on Christmas eve, was something i did not expect. The execution including the use of music was expertly crafted and fitted the feel of the movie perfectly. One of my top choices for 2015!


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The Arrangement - 5/10

Not a good movie. But it's had to hate a movie with Kirk Douglas. His acting was fine, but Kazan's directing was bad, even though he's one of my favorite directors.

The movie is about life and purpose, etc., but there's hardly an development. I think Kazan was trying to be someone beside himself - thinking he had to make his movie like other 60's films. A lot of back and forth, past and present. Lots of characters who are sometimes there physically but not mentally, and vice-versa... Way too many scenes. One will start, and a conversation starts, and then they switch back to a time 20 years ago which doesn't help the film any.

I also notice this was made right after Hollywood did away with their "Code" - and notice a chance to exploit and put in nudes of Kirk, or Faye Dunaway. Many other movies did the same, especially for aging stars since they didn't have that right before.

Be a freak, like me too
2015 with Karl Urban and ensemble
I haven't seen the American version but the first version is excellent.

Tours d'exil (2010) : This is a short documentary (52'') directed by Jenny Teng with whom I sympathized (she was my teacher). Her film is about the people who left Cambodia and the Khmers rouges. She shows the daily life in the Chinatown of Paris where everybody seems happy and there are the interviews, the memories of the genocide which are in contrast. It's interesting and touching. I don't know this part of the History very well.
"We wanted to change the world, but the world changed us."

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Havoc (2005)

Bored rich white kids go down to East L.A. to hang out with the hispanic gangs.

Yikes, this was pretty much a bait & switch trainwreck. The cast pulled me in initially --Joseph Gordon-Levitt, a young and very pretty Ann Hathaway, Michael Biehn, and mostly, Raymond Cruz (Training Day and Tuco of Breaking Bad).

It starts as the teens are being interviewed by a friend via videotape, which masked the sub-optimal characterizations for about a minute. Then I realized I was in this mess for the long haul, so I settled in.

I give them some kudos for making an attempt to show the difference between rebellious teenage bluster and genuine coming-of-age awareness, but to me it was too disjointed and fell way short.

Also, the talented cast they had at their disposal was underutilized to say the least.

It seems like the writers learned all they needed to know about the East L.A. culture through that one scene in Training Day. Pretty cringeworthy, and I'm sure embarrassing to East L.A. folk.

All in all, it seemed like a really bad TV movie of the week.

1 Homie out of 5 Homies on this one.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

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Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine - It's hard for me to judge a documentary - if I don't like the content I'm not gonna watch, and if it's content I like, I'll probably like it.

I never heard the name "Steve Jobs" until he died. This documentary is all I know. Actually no, after he died, I read somewhere how he mentioned that taking LSD was one of the top 3 important events of his life - the only good thing I heard about him. As soon as this guy dies, everyone jumps on the stock bandwagon, what a joke. He seems like a horrible guy with no morals, and I see the i-phone as destructive to society. I'm proud to say my phone doesn't have the internet. Apple is another company that supports state-sponsored slave labor, but pretends to be socially conscious so guilty liberals can feel good about spending money and alleviating their guilt with BS rationalization.

As one woman in the documentary said, "Now we can all be alone together"

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I haven't seen the American version but the first version is excellent.
It's a true shame that I didn't know about the original version I would have happily gone into that one blind not knowing the ending. The united states has a way of taking an excellent movie and falling short.
Though I may have to locate the original version and see how this movie SHOULD have been.
Thank you

There are two previous versions, I think. The Belgian one, which is directed by the man who directed the US remake, and a Dutch version.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Tangerine (2015) by Sean Baker

This was one of the most interesting / important American movies from the last decade that i have seen. I didn't have high expectations but the whole setup worked really well. The underlying social conscious, in terms of depicting transsexual prostitutes and their intertwined love story on Christmas eve, was something i did not expect. The execution including the use of music was expertly crafted and fitted the feel of the movie perfectly. One of my top choices for 2015!


Got this one on request at my library - really looking forward to it and even more so after reading this!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
yeah, I noticed there's a total of three; all three with the writer Bart De Pauw. 2010 version looks to be from Netherlands, the 2008 from Belgium. Which, like you say has the same director that did the latest american version on IMDB
Did you see either of the first two, cricket?

hey Senso, which one did you see?

Legend (2015)

Tom Hardy kills it in the movie, the movie itself was not as good as I was hoping it would be. The pace is off a lot of the movie and the only scenes I really enjoyed were when Hardy is on screen as both brothers as it just shows how talented he really is. Tom Hardy really is the only reason to see this movie because everything else about it is bland and kind of forgettable.

All the Pretty Horses (2000)

Excellent drama starring Matt Damon, Henry Thomas, Penélope Cruz, and Lucas Black. Damon and Thomas are two Texas cowboys in the 40's who travel to Mexico for work after Damon loses his father's ranch. They pick up a straggler along the way (a teen Lucas Black) whom they soon find is trouble. Likable but trouble. After his trouble catches up with them, they have to part ways and Damon and Thomas continue their journey. They soon find work at a rich rancher's (Rubén Blades') place and Damon immediately falls in love with the rancher's daughter. All kinds of trouble begins, with Blades and with the advent of Black's return. A really involving character drama, directed by Billy Bob Thornton. The music is fine and the cinematography is beautiful. The one I watched was almost two-hours long, but I hear there is an almost 3+hour version out there somewhere that has yet to be released. Anyway, recommended.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

the revenant was the one i last seen.


Trumbo (2015)

Fantastic, Bryan Cranston kills it as Dalton Trumbo. The cast is great and the story is compelling.
i like it tooo

Mary and Max


Care for some gopher?
Quo vadis? (Mervyn LeRoy, 1951) -

What a spectacle! Very entertaining, if you don't mind all that christian stuff. Peter Ustinov as Nero is amazing.

Broken Arrow (Delmer Daves, 1950) -

Interestingly, a very balanced examination on the war between whites and the apache tribes. Solidly made.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."