Can Someone Explain to Me: Dr. Strangelove?


I saw Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb on request recently and while I understood it to be a comedy, it kind of confused me in a few ways.

Why is Dr. Strangelove the title character when he appears so little?

Why does it end with "I can walk!"? Even for irony's sake, it a pretty middle-of-nowhere place to end the movie. Does Dr. Strangelove's ability to walk factor into something?

Why is he fidgeting all the time? Someone told me that he's an ex-Nazi or something so he's resisting impulses to "heil Hitler", which I get, but I don't even remember that ever being brought up. Did I miss a line or am I supposed to infer from his weird voice and body language that he used to be a nazi?
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

It's a stupid, unfunny film which some people think is brilliant. Now, why they think that I can't explain.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It's a stupid, unfunny film which some people think is brilliant. Now, why they think that I can't explain.
I found it amusing for it's pro-military caricatures and a few jokes, but I was mostly offput by extended sequences of gunfights and a lot of time that I felt was wasted on the bomber crew.

Also I think certain jokes were drawn out a bit overlong, namely the telephone conversations.

Welcome to the human race...
The answer to all three of your questions is "because it's a movie about impotence".

Also, don't worry about honeykid, you'll get used to him.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
It's a stupid, unfunny film which some people think is brilliant. Now, why they think that I can't explain.
I hate to be that guy that's like "you just don't like it because you don't understand it!" but **** it, you don't like it because you can't understand it. Everything Kubrick did is gold that will always be misunderstood by people not willing to analyze what they watch.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
The answer to all three of your questions is "because it's a movie about impotence".
O_O That... makes a bizarre amount of sense.

Originally Posted by urkillinmesmalls
Everything Kubrick did is gold that will always be misunderstood by people not willing to analyze what they watch.
...I thought 2001: A Space Odyssey was boring.

Welcome to the human race...
Eh, let's not jump to the extremely presumptuous "if you didn't like it, then you didn't understand it" conclusion just yet. Liking a film and understanding it are mutually exclusive concepts; it is possible to comprehend what a film is trying to accomplish but still find it personally disagreeable. Besides, Dr. Strangelove is a comedy and not everyone finds the same things funny.

Eh, let's not jump to the extremely presumptuous "if you didn't like it, then you didn't understand it" conclusion just yet. Liking a film and understanding it are mutually exclusive concepts; it is possible to comprehend what a film is trying to accomplish but still find it personally disagreeable. Besides, Dr. Strangelove is a comedy and not everyone finds the same things funny.
You say mutually exclusive, but I find difficulty liking movies I don't understand.

Welcome to the human race...
You say mutually exclusive, but I find difficulty liking movies I don't understand.
You never know, just look at all the people who saw Fight Club and enjoyed it even though they took the anti-consumerism angle and Tyler's brutalist philosophy at face value.

I saw Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb on request recently and while I understood it to be a comedy, it kind of confused me in a few ways.

Why is Dr. Strangelove the title character when he appears so little?
Is every movie which has the name of a character in the title has that character showing up all the time?

Why does it end with "I can walk!"? Even for irony's sake, it a pretty middle-of-nowhere place to end the movie. Does Dr. Strangelove's ability to walk factor into something?
I though it was kinda intuitive, the ending.

Why is he fidgeting all the time? Someone told me that he's an ex-Nazi or something so he's resisting impulses to "heil Hitler", which I get, but I don't even remember that ever being brought up. Did I miss a line or am I supposed to infer from his weird voice and body language that he used to be a nazi?
He says Mein Fuhrer several times and his ideas are pure Nazi stuff.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh geez everyone over thinks that movie.
The answer to all three questions is: it's done because it seems odd + ecliptic, which is suppose to equal funny.

You say mutually exclusive, but I find difficulty liking movies I don't understand.
There are movies nobody understands like Bela Tarr's movies, since they weren't designed to have a meaning. Still some people love these movies.

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
...I thought 2001: A Space Odyssey was boring.

Understandable. And if you didn't like it, that's fine, nobody's forcing anything here. What bothers me is when somebody doesn't like a movie so they think "oh, I hate this movie everyone else likes, so that must mean I'm right and everyone else likes a bad movie!" like our friend HK

You never know, just look at all the people who saw Fight Club and enjoyed it even though they took the anti-consumerism angle and Tyler's brutalist philosophy at face value.
Oh sure, I was just speaking for myself.

I find I sometimes end up liking movies more when I understand their intentions better, but I can also like them less.

Seeing continuity errors in Black Dynamite lead me to question whether or not they were intentional parody, but learning that they were made me appreciate it more.

Simultaneously, Eraserhead made no sense to me whatsoever and learning that in the face of all the praise and "interpretations", David Lynch has stated that no one he's met has ever understood what he was trying to get at makes me dislike it more than I already did.