Your top 3 Video Games Of All Time


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1.Final Fantasy IX

This game is my favourite in the series, although I feel like Zidane is kind of a boring main character, the rest of the cast more than make up for it and the story is imo the strongest in the series. I love FFVIII and it's a very, very close #2, but for some reason I find myself replaying FFIX more often and enjoying it more.

2. Grand Theft Auto V

Grand theft auto is overall my favourite series of all video games of all time, and between all the games I've logged probably 2500+ hours from beating the stories and then just driving/killing/flying etc. This is one of those games I can turn on and just drive around, shoot people, cause problems and just experience total freedom. Flying planes and helicopters, sailing boats, skydiving, hunting, off-roading, driving super fast cars and motorcycles while weaving through traffic without regard for anything else(sometimes while racing others), going to the gentlemens club, shoot outs with randoms, knife fights with friends, hoping you hit that guy with at least a couple of those rounds as he bears down upon you at 200mph. And just hours and hours of craziness.

3.Diablo 2: Lords of Destruction

Countless hours spent ripping people off, running ba'al runs, trist runs and Ubers, spending days looking for that perfect weapon or armour to socket with awesome rune words, trying to find torches that would make you OP. Waiting for items to switch from ladder to regular play so you could get some of the dirtiest gear possible and just pop other people in duels. 5 mule accounts between me and a friend because we had too much gear for our regular accounts and could outfit any new character we or our other friends made. I played this game with my best friend for the better part of a decade, invested so much time into it, and Blizzard wiped all accounts within 6 months of us quitting to play ps3 more. Haven't really gone back since.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Had a bit of trouble thinking of mine, number 1 is definitely top 3 for me. The other 2 are some of my favorites for sure but may say something else on a different day.

1. Kingdom Hearts - Playstation 2

2. Skyrim - Xbox 360

3. Fable - Xbox

(The developer of the Fable series, Lionhead Studios, just closed down a couple days ago )

Also gotta give a shout out to the game that probably took up the most of my time...

World of Warcraft - PC

Definitely hyped for the Warcraft movie!!!

Kinda weird that all of my picks are RPGs... I don't even consider myself a massive RPG fan.
Skyrim ain't rpg. It's a hiking game first and foremost.

Starcraft was a great one. Diablo too.
Warcraft 2 and 3 on were a ton of fun as well

Blizzard sure made some great games.
I was afraid to try world of warcraft because of how many years I spent playing Ultima Online (the first big worldwide mmorpg - still the greatest! I'm guessing. Never tried WoW but everquest was not even close)

I'm looking forward to the FF 7 remake.

I'm looking forward to the VII remake in a BvS sort of way.

While we're here...

WARNING: spoilers below

They have pretty much admitted they are gonna change stuff. With my optimist glasses, I want some Cloud/Sephiroth in Shinra playable content.

Not really a gamer anymore. But here are three I used to love when I was a tween:

1. The Sims 1
2. Civilization II
3. Lemmings
Someday I want to see everything notable.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
1. Final Fantasy VII

Everything everyone else has said. Gameplay. Magic/level up system. Characters. Story. Quirkiness. Music. I was fond of the others in the series, but VII is the ultimate game.

2. Sims 2

Sims 2 is my favourite incarnation of the Sims. More choices than the original, better gameplay and more control over your little Sim world than the subsequent editions. Like playing with dolls but for grown ups.

3. Tetris

Getting different shapes blocks to fit together. Totally addictive. Sometimes the simplest games are the best.

With an honourable mention for the Civilization games.

How would everyone rank the Final Fantasy's they've played?

I'd go:


I've also played a bit of 1, X2 and XIII 2 but not enough to rank them.


Getting different shapes blocks to fit together. Totally addictive. Sometimes the simplest games are the best.
This is the first game I ever remember being hypnotized by. The music was a big part of the spellcasting.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Ranking Final Fantasy's in order

7.FF: Dissidia
9.FF Tactics/FF Tactics War of the Lions
10.FF Tactics A2
11. FF Tactics Advance
18.FF13: Lightning Returns
20.FF Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
21.FF4: The After Years
24.FF: Dissidia 012 (Duodecime)
25.FF7: Dirge of Cerberus

. I had to include a Mario game, it was tough to choose between Galaxy, World, and Bros 3 though. Never played Luigi's Mansion or Paper Mario. I actually just finished Super Mario 64 again recently, it is baffling how easy that game is compared to just about every other Mario game.

The God of Wars were also something i considered so Nostromo.

These are pretty interesting to me. I've never played it myself but the only FF i ever hear mentioned out of the first five is 4. Would you mind saying a few words on why you liked it so much? It's cool if you don't want to i'm just curious, might give it a go actually.

FF8 was my second favourite for a while but i played it again last year and quite a bit of it annoyed me. Was a weird turnaround since FF9 was originally the one that annoyed me, i played all three last year and it turned around. I don't know what it was exactly. Just didn't like the story or characters as much this time, i honestly can't think of a strong playable character in it. I also really hate the card game; i got good at it but it was just annoying, liked it more in FF9 when it wasn't that important just a sidegame if you enjoyed it. Still a good game though the only one i've actually dislike is 13.

Max Payne 2
GTA Vice City
Think GTA 3 is still my favourite mostly because of nostalgia as it was the first game i ever played like that. San Andreas and Vice City would be next, not a fan of 4 or 5. Driver was pretty great too, sad that series went to ***** the ps1 games were really good.

Ooooooh no. I hope they dont plan on changing ther Materia mechanic in the FF VII sequel. I hope thats not the change theyre making.

Ooooooh no. I hope they dont plan on changing ther Materia mechanic in the FF VII sequel. I hope thats not the change theyre making.
That's what i've been hearing, but i doubt it. Think they'll just update it. I'd love some updated cutscenes but i just hope they don't try to mess with the story. Also any of the characters with a voice is going to be incredibly jarring at first.

Think GTA 3 is still my favourite mostly because of nostalgia as it was the first game i ever played like that. San Andreas and Vice City would be next, not a fan of 4 or 5. Driver was pretty great too, sad that series went to ***** the ps1 games were really good.
GTA 3 is my second favorite after Vice City, San Andreas would come third for me and I wasn't a fan of the 5th one either. Haven't played the 4th