What current Hollywood trend do you hate?


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Hollywood is always looking for more ways to cash in on trends. Which current trend does Hollywood do that annoys you the most? Is it 3D converted movies that obviously don't need it? Shaky-cam action sequence? Or how about my own pick for this topic....

Splitting films into parts.

Despite the Matrix sequels saying to be continued....they were still sequels. Kill Bill was unique as there were no previous titles to the series.

Harry Potter decided to have the last film be split into Part 1 and Part 2. People at the time said this was great because it would mean more material from the book making it into the film. Both films were decent.

Then we had Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 and 2. That's when the cash grab system kind of reared its ugly head. Why was this film split in two? Anyone's who's seen it can tell they were stretching it thin.

Not as thin as Peter Jackson though with his Hobbit trilogy. One book split into two films, then later becoming three. My God.

The Hunger Games followed suit splitting the last film into two. It shows that there was not enough material to do so, the last film suffered creatively and financially as a result.

Then we come to the embarrassing Divergent series. The first film opened to $54 million, the sequel saw a similar opening at $52 million. Word came out that the last film will be split into two. The result when the first film opened was only $29 million. Clearly the audience was making a stand.

The next film will be a tv movie. Ouch.

What's your current hated Hollywood trend?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Making movies that look like video games. I keep hoping these people will get over their CG mania, but it only seems to be getting worse.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
The recent slew of remakes and reboots. Most of them are unnecessary as the originals were good or better. Makes one wonder if Hollywood is running out of ideas. There are some good remakes, but they are the exception.

Amazing Spiderman
Total recall
National lampoon's Vacation
etc., etc.

And now... Trek has Orientation-lifted Sulu. Even George Takei was against that move.

Hire an Asian actor instead of using CGI to slope-up Johansson... or having Perry White in the DCEU played by Fishburne, why not just hire a white actor? DCEU also sex-lifted Jimmy Olsen and turned him into Jenny.

If a character is written a certain way, and has been for the past 50 years... then keep it that way. I'd hate to see a Spawn movie with the character played by a white guy.
Or Cyborg for instance too.

They race-lifted Johnny Storm... and look how that was met by fans.
Ghostbusters as well. Hate to bring that argument in here, but, well, GB now being possibly the biggest box office flop in history says a lot.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If I hear the term cinematic universe again I may scream. The copycat mentality just seems to lead to watered down films.

I also don't like the SJW mentality right now. Especially since it seems to be being applied to big tent pole films that are not offering any social commentary whatsoever. I don't care who you cast as the Ghostbusters it is made to be mindless entertainment. That movie was never going to change anyone's views on what women are capable of or how men should treat them.

It seems like every new blockbuster announced now comes with all these casting strings. The studios aren't doing enough of this or that. We are attaching way too much importance to our art, especially mindless art.

I have always maintained thar art reflects life, it doesn't inform it. My mind hasn't been changed yet, but maybe someday.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I hate the Hollywood drone crap as a whole.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I agree with the book adaptations being split into 2 films thing. It almost never works (Harry Potter was the most successful and even then Deathly Hallows part 1 is easily the least good entry in the series, it just wasn't bad like some of the other book franchises that do this have been).

The big change for me in Hollywood that I don't like is how films are marketed. "It's the number one film in america" and all that. It doesn't really matter but I always roll my eyes when I see that tagline in promotional work for the film online or on TV.

I have always maintained thar art reflects life, it doesn't inform it.
You don't think it can do both?

The recent slew of remakes and reboots. Most of them are unnecessary as the originals were good or better. Makes one wonder if Hollywood is running out of ideas. There are some good remakes, but they are the exception.

Amazing Spiderman
Total recall
National lampoon's Vacation
etc., etc.
It's not a lack of ideas. Risk aversion of the studios. I am not sure how many of them are publicly traded, but investors do that to a studio.

All the remakes and millions of comic movies, can't catch up with all of them!!
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Trouble with a capital "T"
Making movies that look like video games. I keep hoping these people will get over their CG mania, but it only seems to be getting worse.
Amen to that! I despise that look, the first film I saw with it was 300, yuck!

The recent slew of remakes and reboots. Most of them are unnecessary as the originals were good or better. Makes one wonder if Hollywood is running out of ideas....

And now... Trek has Orientation-lifted Sulu.
I think that trend is meant to be PC but I think it's condescending to minorities and gays. Like the black or gay community will say "oh everything is wonderful now thanks to Hollywood'.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You don't think it can do both?
I wouldn't say it never can because never creates dogma. I think it is very hard to. Especially when you consider the best art is almost always ambiguous and the artist doesn't want to tell you what take out of it.

I remember when Matt was doing his 100 countdown I pointed out how interesting it was that we share a bunch of favorites despite the fact that our world views are very different. Why is that? Nashville and There Will Be Blood both have a ton to say about society yet two people who think completely different can come away from those films and feel connected to humanity in a very emotional way. Neither of our views changed yet we connected to the art similarly.

Very interesting to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I remember when Matt was doing his 100 countdown I pointed out how interesting it was that we share a bunch of favorites despite the fact that our world views are very different. Why is that?...
That's interesting to me It could be that while you and Matt have different political, economical and spiritual beliefs, your core personalities are similar...or at least you both share some common traits. I think most of us share some personality/mental traits with others.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That's interesting to me It could be that while you and Matt have different political, economical and spiritual beliefs, your core personalities are similar...or at least you both share some common traits. I think most of us share some personality/mental traits with others.
There may be some truth there but I really believe good art stirs our beliefs and challenges us. Nuance makes you think about why you believe the way you do. Well drawn characters reflect both the best and worst of us at the same time.

That's why I say art reflects life and doesn't inform it. I don't think a film has ever changed my world view, but lots of films challenge it. Make me think deeper. Cause me to look inward instead of outward. When we look outward we become judgemental and dogmatic. When we look inward we search for answers and find lots more questions.

Here we go... they're at it again... it's just been released that African American actress Zendaya is to play Mary-Jane in the new Spider-Man movie.

It's wrong.

Simple as.

I mean, let's make Cyborg, Spawn and Steel all white actors then.
Johansson playing an Asian character has been controversial enough, but I can see massive backlash from this one.
Mary-Jane has always been a redheaded white girl. Now she's black? Ugh.