Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Silent Running (1972)

A slow, determined story of a man trying to save a biosphere containing the last of Earth's vegetation. It really stands or falls with Bruce Dern's performance, and he delivers. His isolated state brings to mind the first half of Moon or perhaps that of Crusoe, stranded on an island bereft of other people. And also MST3K, despite the fact that I've never actually seen an episode. I guess I link it to the fact that Joel too only had a couple of robots to talk to.

In this case, it leads to a more bitter sweet ending though. Still, it's a very good movie that has potential to be on my top 100 sci-fi nomination list.

Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?


"Set on the backdrop of Philadelphia's famed Overbrook High School, we track the lives of the nations number one high school basketball player Sergio Taylor as he deals with the early pressures of hood fame. "- imdb

except it really focuses on Jackie,the youngest child in a family,with brothers who are getting further and further into street games.She then meets a someone at her school but her brother objects to it as he is from the rivallery part of town.

This actually had alot of potential,it had a great storyline,twists and a good cast (though they need to either raise the age of the characters or get actors who actually look like teens and not 30 year olds)
But for some reason they decided to try and mash a gritty,gang violence movie with a cheesy made-for-tv tween romance and it doesnt work at all. The editing is also horrible and tacky at times.Had they stuck with the original part of the movie and focused on June it would have been great.

Britney is my favorite

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Kubo and the Two Strings - Young boy with magical powers must take on evil relatives with the help of a monkey and beetle. Excellent stop motion animation, very interesting story, great voice cast. Love the Monkey when she gets all ticked off and serves as a smartaleck at times and Beetle cracks me up as well. Nicely shot action as well. Watched it with my daughter and she loved it as well.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
About Time (2013)

This is a pretty good time travel movie with an interesting concept, but it's filled with plot holes. The movie works because of the chemistry between Domhnall Gleeson and Rachel McAdams, but the plot holes might prevent it from making my sci-fi list.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

The Bib-iest of Nickels

I've always admired the concept of Frankenstein, having read the book and seen numerous adaptations of it over the years. The 1931 film is the first to introduce said narrative to the big-screen and is filled with memorable moments and ideas. Henry Frankenstein being this scientist that really wants to expand beyond the reach of everything that has been accomplished and etch himself among the greats of the field. Colin Clive does well enough with the main-role, and makes for a mostly convincing portrayal. The scenery and decor is very nicely created as well.
I don't really like the film though. To tell you the truth. The pacing doesn't work to its favor and it seems like the most interesting aspect of the film itself (the creation of the monster) is achieved too soon. The film doesn't really do much with character development either. The workers are there, but the execution itself doesn't really bring much out of them. In its brief 71 minute run-time, Frankenstein is a messy film, an under-cooked and rushed approach makes it all too difficult for me to fully appreciate. I don't feel for the plight of the characters, and anything I really do feel, is mostly leftover emotions I carried from other interpretations and not this film.
I understand why it received critical acclaim back then. Like I said, the central premise is really good, and I can only imagine how great it must have been back in the 30s, but I don't think this film really packs as powerful of a punch as it could.

Jason Bourne (2016)

Dark Passage (1947)

From the noirs list, Bogart plays a guy who escapes from prison after being convicted of murdering his wife. Bacall plays a girl who has an interest in him, and happens to pick him up and help him. Bogie gets introduced to a plastic surgeon who alters his appearance, and we go on from there. Until the plastic surgery, we never see Bogie's face, with most of that time being filmed through his pov. That's pretty risky to not show one of film's all time greatest star's face for over half the movie. We also end up missing a lot of that famous chemistry between the two leads for the same reason. It's a very good flick anyway thanks in large part to some strong supporting characters.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

(CHRISTMAS STANDARD) It's a Wonderful Life

I'm very happy to see this is a christmas standard for QUITE a few of us!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio


Found this really interesting from a historical standpoint and a very well executed film about what happened after the JFK assassination, at the start my head was spinning from the speedy editing and erratic switches between the various characters and I wondered if I could carry on but soon felt so engrossed by each story it was fine, packed full of interesting facts, some almost irrelevant, and really good performances from so many fine actors


not a fan,i dont really think hes a good actor but i dont hate him. i dont like most of his movies though,and this is one of them

Rogue One was the first movie I can remember being sold-out. Later showing later, it was worth Vader being Vader. CGI faces weren't as bad as they seemed to be made out to be. Not great, but seemed better than VIII. 7.5 -too much dark.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Yellow Sky (1948)
++ Saw Camo mention this in the first few pages of the 40's HOF and got very curious with it starring Peck AND Widmark. A bit slow at times but very worthwhile western.

(COUNTLESS REWATCH) Lucky Number Slevin
All in the name of a Kansas City Shuffle.
Damn funny dialogue, cool twists and a great cast.

Sausage Party
++ Poignant, humanistic study of the inner tribulations of our more dire inner selves.

um, not really,

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Goosebumps - 5/10 - As a kid, I enjoyed the books, and I've recently been going through Netflix and watching the series, which has provided some entertainment and some cringe. Anyway, I found the movie on there and figured I would give it a shot. It's about what I expected.

The acting, story, dialogue, and jokes were all pretty average and in some cases sub-par, but the VFX were pleasantly well done and I really liked the music (another job well done, Danny Elfman). I also noticed that I particularly liked Slappy, but then again I always seem to enjoy the crazed lunatic baddies in movies!

Would I watch it again? Sure, if someone wanted to watch it, but I won't actively seek it out. Even so, it was still overall fairly enjoyable.
Coming in 2017: two short films and (maybe) another feature-length film. More details another time.

hell or high water 8/10