Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Straight Story (1999) -

I never thought I'd see a David Lynch film where I wasn't left wondering what I'd watched by the end of it
Brilliant. I loved it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

This might just do nobody any good.
Best ensamble of the decade. Maybe the most melancholy film I've seen from this decade (suck it, Melancholia!)

... You've always been actively involved in what's going on here... I mean, you dedication to the 40s list is the craziest I've seen yet on here...
Cricket sounds like my kinda guy!.. The best movie decade, IMO.


Best ensamble of the decade. Maybe the most melancholy film I've seen from this decade (suck it, Melancholia!)
Much better than Melancholia.

Out of the Past - 7.5/10

I saw this before, but it's been years, and I believe I saw it in early morning hours.. The first hour is great, especially the writing, but I don't know how many twists, double-crosses one movie can take... But hey, Mitchum and Kirk is in it..

A great film and great noir. Those limpid eyes of Jane Greer's-- gorgeous. And Rhonda Flemming-- how hot can one gal be? And Elisha Cook is one of my favorites.

I made the mistake of turning it on 20 minutes before bedtime. So I had to go to bed without my cookie!.. I've seen it 5 times. Hope to see it another 5.


Well, I looked up your profile and no sh*t you were born in it

Gotta be the age president here.
Ha! Yeah, I was born in 1944. In 1949 I had afternoon kindergarten, so my mom took me to the local theater in the evenings every time the movie changed. I only remember very little from then. But when I lived in Hollywood in the '60s we used to watch the old movies all night. That's when I fell in love with that film era. And that's never changed..


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

Now this is what is called a brilliant movie.
This, I should have loved. Been a while but every time I come across it I pause, reconsider it, then move on. And I hate that! Maybe I watched it in a bad mood or something. I need to try it again. Maybe this weekend then.

Thanks for bringing this one back to my attention!

Welcome to the human race...
Wow. I have 16+ reps on my Hot Fuzz write-up in this thread, while the last couple reviews in my own diary thread, only range from 1 to 4 reps, maximum - last two being Tarantino flicks, so it's not like it's unpopular movies in there right now.

I definitely see why you quit this game for a good while, @Iroquois, and pointed the same stuff out in the past... I even see that your new review thread, during the last week or so, only have gotten 1 or 2 +reps, before I entered the thread just today out of interest. Because I like your reviews.

This is not a post meant to blame anyone. Understand that. I guess I just think it's a sad evolution in these past years. MoFo has been hit hard recently, with a lot of changes, people going and people coming, so it's an evolution that has been happening all over the forum recently... we haven't quite had the same discussion and activity lately, as I remember when I first came here. Even I, personally, have become less active...

Objectively, I would love more interaction and discussion around the forums - even just a sentence or two - if that's all you can manage it's more than enough... Personally, for my own threads, all I would hope for is a little more activity. I would be thankful for rep, but I would love a comment. Again, just a sentence or two will do. I'm actually not even asking you to read my reviews, if you are too busy. But if you have seen the movie, leave a comment, let's get something going. What's your opinion on it? Maybe there will arise a fun little discussion out of that. Will it last two post? So what. It's better than me talking to myself in there... I was about to post more reviews yesterday, but I didn't wanna be the singular person responsible for the past 15 posts in there, in a row, you know?

Forums are all about interaction and there has been a noticeable degradation of such, this recent time. I'll try my own best to be a frontrunner for changing that. Hopefully I can get others going too.
Them's the breaks. It does seem like everything's been streamlined to a fault, and this very thread is the epitome of that - it gets high amounts of traffic so people are essentially encouraged to post here instead of in their own review threads or in a movie's individual thread/s (where I think the discussion dies out pretty quickly once the movie actually comes out) or even in the more cryptically-titled Movie Tab II. Suspect is a prime example as he now posts full reviews here instead of in any of the threads he started in the actual reviews section. Plus, there's also a bit of a hivemind in the works where giving a positive rating/review to any film that's popular and near-universally beloved will draw more rep than anything else (like, for example, Hot Fuzz). I wonder how much blame we can put on the off-topic forum and its many controversial threads creating unpleasant associations with the concept of prolonged discussions - I wouldn't rule it out as a contributing factor, at least.

That being said, like cricket said it's hard to keep up with everyone's review threads, and concentrating on my own does mean I miss out on paying attention to other people'.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Them's the breaks. It does seem like everything's been streamlined to a fault, and this very thread is the epitome of that - it gets high amounts of traffic so people are essentially encouraged to post here instead of in their own review threads or in a movie's individual thread/s (where I think the discussion dies out pretty quickly once the movie actually comes out) or even in the more cryptically-titled Movie Tab II. Suspect is a prime example as he now posts full reviews here instead of in any of the threads he started in the actual reviews section. Plus, there's also a bit of a hivemind in the works where giving a positive rating/review to any film that's popular and near-universally beloved will draw more rep than anything else (like, for example, Hot Fuzz). I wonder how much blame we can put on the off-topic forum and its many controversial threads creating unpleasant associations with the concept of prolonged discussions - I wouldn't rule it out as a contributing factor, at least.

That being said, like cricket said it's hard to keep up with everyone's review threads, and concentrating on my own does mean I miss out on paying attention to other people'.
Agreed with all of this. To add to this the high amount of rep in this thread encourages people to just post a poster and a rating without any thoughts, was the same thing i was talking about in the Sci-Fi Countdown when there was page after page of people just saying i had x film at 5th place or whatever.

The Hall of Fame threads are the only good ones here now and even they can be slow at times.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

The Straight Story (1999) -

I never thought I'd see a David Lynch film where I wasn't left wondering what I'd watched by the end of it

My favourite Lynchs movie

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

I watched this movie about fith time yesterday and it was as good as for the first time.
Joaquin Phoenix was very convincing as a disturbed teenager. And of course the subject of the movie is still topical.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Hobo With a Shotgun (2011)

Thank you Hulu
This is pure blood splattering, over-the-top grindhouse, done in oversaturated color. Think of Robocop meets Deathwish meets Saw. And Rutger Hauer -- SCORE!

In a city of violent psychopaths and whores, the dream of our hobo hero is to buy a lawnmower and do landscaping. Instead he gets a shotgun, and the rest is history. Wonderfully cheesy villains-- Drake, who rules by horror and fear, along with his 2 sadistic preppie sons. And of course, The Plague, 2 creepy armored assassins who use a noose-dart gun that hangs their victims with 1 shot.

The dialogue is so beautifully cheesy and stupid. No apologies, nothing is off limits. Just pure bloody fun.

4.5 severed heads out of 5
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
The Way Back (2010)

A 'small' walk from Siberia to India . A real life adventurous story well portrayed into a movie.

An underrated movie... I would have thought with this cast, an adventure, that more would have seen it..