Rate The Last Movie You Saw


“I was cured, all right!”
But Shinjuku Triad Society, Ichi the Killer, and The Audition are not like that. They are legit solid movies.
Yeah. I wat talking just about Visitor Q and The Happiness of the Katakuris!
Shinkuku, Ichi, Audition, Fudoh, Dead or Alive and many others are solid movies.

I'll have to check out Dead or Alive.

Have you seen Ley Lines? It's really good too. I did a breif review not too long ago.

Triumph des Willens [Triumph Of The Will] (Leni Riefenstahl, 1935)

One of those rare occasions where I prefer the sequel a decade later

Watched John Ford's The Searchers (1939) last night. Rated 8.5/10. The cinematography is simply stunning, and Wayne gives one of the best performances of his career.

Okja (2017)

“I was cured, all right!”
I'll have to check out Dead or Alive.

Have you seen Ley Lines? It's really good too. I did a breif review not too long ago.
Coudn't find the DVD around town unfortunally.
I'll search again next month (already buyed lots of DVDs and Blurays this week), this time I'll search in some random site.
Rainy Dog and Ley Lines. Can't wait to see!

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

The Face of Another (1966)

Directed by Teshigahara, The Face of Another doesn't quite hit the heights that Woman Of The Dunes did for me but this is still a really impressive film. More psychological horror than sci-fi, its like a paranoid character study, with an equally unsettling subplot running along side it.

Oasis: Supersonic (2016)

This was both uplifting yet utterly depressing on a personal level at the same time. So much talent and energy with such incredible music. Yet knowing that my time growing up listening to Oasis is over totally destroyed me. I had such incredible times with Oasis in the background and watching this definitely brought those memories back. I wasn't even the biggest fan (Stone Roses were much better) so that probably is an indication of how good this doc was.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Oasis: Supersonic (2016)

This was both uplifting yet utterly depressing on a personal level at the same time. So much talent and energy with such incredible music. Yet knowing that my time growing up listening to Oasis is over totally destroyed me. I had such incredible times with Oasis in the background and watching this definitely brought those memories back. I wasn't even the biggest fan (Stone Roses were much better) so that probably is an indication of how good this doc was.

I have imprint memories of riding with the first kids to drive with too many people in a car going to Blockbuster music and all of the other wonderful teen mayhem alternating between stuff like this and Spacehog.

Justice League - 6/10

i wak expecting much more since i kinda enjoyed batman vs superman but i think that it's trying to pull a ''marvel'' and it not linking

Berberian Sound Studio (Peter Strickland, 2012)
Heard great things; saw nice things; brain just rolled over, farted and went back to sleep


Very good coming of age and coming out film. Obviously it wasn't very relateable for me being a straight white guy, it was very clearly personal with Dee Rees herself being a black lesbian though and that came through. Plus it was relateable in the sense that all coming of age films are once you've went through your childhood/teenage years. At first Lee and Binna's relationship didn't feel natural as it went on it got to me though. Think it started off pretty typically with the moody one not being willing to give it a try then when she lets her guard down she realizes that she enjoys her company; once we bypassed that and it was focusing on them getting closer it worked a bunch though and while the conclusion to their relationship was easy to see it was still heartbreaking. Adepero Oduye was great, more than anything she sold the little moments, the sort of things that are in loads of films dilluting their effectiveness but she did such a good job that they ended up more powerful than they should have been. Laura shunning her for instance and her rejecting Binna's first advance. That was my favourite thing the portrayal of her difficulty to embrace her sexuality. Thing is this isn't set in the 1960's, it's the 21st Century absolutely not trying to minimize the difficulties LGBT people face because it's still there just saying that she has more opportunity than she would have even 20 years ago. Of course her mother doesn't approve of it but she does have other opportunities to explore it like the aforementioned Binna encounter and the visits to clubs, that's what i love most while homophobia is depicted that isn't the only obstacle here it's a personal struggle she faces to accept it herself which i think is often overlooked; she has to deal with her own battles with it on top of the way she is treated and judged. Liked the performances of the actors that played the mother and father too, the mother was dislikeable but understandable, she had to face it alot more directly than the dad since he wasn't around that much and he usually spent his time having fun with Lee rather than enforcing discipline which mostly fell on the mother. Thought them dealing with her sexuality was very well done too, although i'm not really sure their personal problems and the fathers obvious affair was that well done it felt underdeveloped. Wasn't sure about the rating until the ending which was excellent i thought got me to give it another +. Those last twenty minutes packed in so many different emotions.

Loved the visuals; could see people being annoyed by them with the closeups and weaving about, i think it worked very well in inserting you into everything plus the greens, purples, pinks, etc. Plus New York at night is one of the most filmable locations. Great soundtrack too, i like that Lee and Binna bonded over music it went well with the songs used to depict Lee's mood before they met. Very good film. Think i liked it a little more than Moonlight which it's obviously going to be compared to, although they are both their own thing.


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (2014)

The Persian language arthouse vampire movie that somehow manages to out-Jarmusch Jim Jarmusch.

A few parts drag a little, but overall this was pretty great. I especially liked the part where the girl and Arash meet and she takes him home and plays White Lies' Death. The soundtrack was good in general and it looks stunning.

since I really love Only Lovers Left I'll be renting this from my library to check out

KRULL (1983)
director: Peter Yates
Rated: PG

Krull is just a good fantasy. Boy, does it take its time, too. It's 2 hours long. I think the perfect time to watch it is before bed, in installments. It's just not a movie to be on the edge of your seat for. It's silly and yes, it's even a bit dated, but the committed James Horner score hardly rips off John Williams at all (fingers crossed behind back). Honestly, though - it's a damn fine score.

This is a huge, epic, feel good yet tries to be suspenseful-film. I enjoyed the dialog. There's nothing brilliant about it, it's just there...existing. What I did like about the acting and dialog was that, for the most part, it wasn't offensive. I didn't find myself cringing. Big points for that!

This is just a super-chill flick you can enjoy as a sci fi fantasy. True, Krull rips off Star Wars to a degree, but for me, it's forgivable because I simply don't care. It's not Star Wars. It's KRULL, and it is different enough. But damn, there are some serious parallels.

Everything seems to be handled very competently; the special effects (great blue and red lasers), the score (as mentioned - and James Horner pulls out a lot of stops for this particular film, even going so far as to use some chord progressions in folk songs known throughout ages of humankind), the acting is down to earth enough to establish camaraderie between the cast, and the story, though derivative, has a beginning, middle and an ending.

Hey, what else do you need for a 1983 science fiction fable?

I think Krull is one my new favorite fantasy films based on its ability to remain calm and not disgust me, and the aesthetics of color within the film. It really does look beautiful.

Ehhhh, this movie was just okay imo. I only watched it because it was one of the very few Jack movies I hadn't seen. I heard the original (1946) is awhole lot better, and I don't doubt it. It was compelling at times, but for the most part, a snooze fest. Without Jack's charisma, I would rate it even lower.


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Ehhhh, this movie was just okay imo. I only watched it because it was one of the very few Jack movies I hadn't seen. I heard the original (1946) is awhole lot better, and I don't doubt it. It was compelling at times, but for the most part, a snooze fest. Without Jack's charisma, I would rate it even lower.

I think I saw an Italian version of it... By Visconti... Ossessione?

Spider Man Homecoming

Mildly entertaining at times but full of borrowed movie tropes as one would expect,,., I mainly enjoy these films for the aesthetics for the action but I wasn't that impressed by any of the action scenes on display here,, also could have done with more motivation for Keaton's vulture guy than we are the little guys and I have to protect my family. sometimes I found Spider Man an annoying teenager who won't shut up, idk it might be cool to see Spidey in the next Avengers but this one didn't do a whole hell of a heap for me.

Life is Sweet

Only my second Leigh film i liked it. I did have trouble accepting both Aubrey and Nicola as they were ridiculously over the top, i could get over Aubrey but Nicola had the biggest emotional story in the film so it did hurt my enjoyment a bit. They were all over the top, i came to love and accept the others much more than those two though. I understand why she acted that way but it was still annoying, it was like an exaggerated version of the very worst of Eastenders. It was still enjoyable, funny and i really liked the script.

I think I saw an Italian version of it... By Visconti... Ossessione?
Yeah that's The Postman Always Rings Twice. Good film, it was his first and arguably the first Italian Neorealism film depending on who you listen to.