Rate The Last Movie You Saw


north by northwest - 1959

still that knife tho'....
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Welcome to the human race...
Ryuzo and His Seven Henchmen -

Oh, those wacky yakuza. Let's see Hollywood remake this.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Lady Bird is the highest rated film of all-time on Rotten Tomatoes. Meaning it has the most "Fresh" reviews out of any other film. Previously held by Toy Story 2.

Currently has 170 Fresh and 0 Rotten.

Silver lining obviously....there are films out there with more than 170 positive reviews, but they also have negative ones. I still find Get Out to be extremely impressive with 289 Positive and only 2 rotten.

For the record, Armond white came gave this film a fresh rating as well.

Not that any Mofo cares about RT though.
Yeah I actually heard the news as I was coming out of the theater. I actually care about RT, not that my movie enjoyment depends on it, but I do like to see how a film does with critics. Get Out is extremely impressive, top 5 of the year for me.

And anybody who hasn't seen Lady Bird yet, I suggest you do, it's a phenomenal film.

This is the Citizen Kane (1941) of 80s B-horror movies; the cinematography is incredible for the type of film it is. This is definitely a gem of a slasher film, which probably didn't get more attention because of the dominance of Freddy at the time. All the genre tropes are present, but if you're a fan of slasher films, it's really easy to overlook Intruder's shortcomings and appreciate it for what it is. Also, the full film is on youtube for free!


Lonely Wives (Russell Mack, 1931)
Blooming mad so it is

Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi, sounds like a great formula.
Campbell is in it very briefly, and Raimi not much longer; but both of their parts are great! Definitley worth a watch!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)

Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks, 1938)
Stagecoach (John Ford, 1939)
Lonely Wives (Russell Mack, 1931)
Damn! you guys rock and all those movies since I last checked yesterday, impressive!

Registered User
the man with iron heart .... 7/10

Monsoon Wedding (Mira Nair, 2001)
Not just about getting hitched in the rainy season

Thanks to 77topaz and Thursday Next for putting up a reminder about both the director and film - was one that had completely slipped my mind despite owning it.

The Stunt Man (1980) -

It doesn't get much cooler than this weird cult flick. Highly recommended!


P.S. I decided to only post and rate the films here that are genuine new favorites, in order to give them more attention. I post about the other films I watch in my Movie Log.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
++ Being a Luc Besson fanboy it's not surprising I enjoyed this.
Visually over the top with amazing creatures and varying worlds.
I was a little so-so with the two leading characters but eventually warmed up to them. It just seemed like the actual characters must be older - not sure why I think that, it just "feels" that way. And, not a bad thing but the one playing Valerian seemed to be channeling Karl Urban.

I'm sure I'll see this one again and most likely enjoy it as much or perhaps more.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Monsoon Wedding (Mira Nair, 2001)
Not just about getting hitched in the rainy season

Thanks to 77topaz and Thursday Next for putting up a reminder about both the director and film - was one that had completely slipped my mind despite owning it.
This had completely slipped my mind as well. Thanks for the reminder, chyp.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
++ Being a Luc Besson fanboy it's not surprising I enjoyed this.
Visually over the top with amazing creatures and varying worlds.
I was a little so-so with the two leading characters but eventually warmed up to them. It just seemed like the actual characters must be older - not sure why I think that, it just "feels" that way. And, not a bad thing but the one playing Valerian seemed to be channeling Karl Urban.

I'm sure I'll see this one again and most likely enjoy it as much or perhaps more.
I hadnt heard of this and not my genre but that looks amazing, and more importantly, the rutger hauer is in it so on my watchlist. Thank you, Edar!!!

Gummo (1997)


Well worth the wait been meaning to see this for ages. Can’t post images until I’ve made 25 posts apparently. Absolute madball film. The mum and son tap dancing scene and arm wrestling scene where a chair quite literally gets assaulted is just golden. 8/10 overall 10/10 for originality, where did they find these actors?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I hadnt heard of this and not my genre but that looks amazing, and more importantly, the rutger hauer is in it so on my watchlist. Thank you, Edar!!!
Hauer has more of a cameo actually. But, still, curious to see what ya think.