Movies you couldn't even finish.


Blue is the warmest colour.
Alfred Hitchcock once said: "Drama is life with the dull bits cut out".
According to this sentence this isn't a movie (It's life ahaha), because I've never seen anything so boring. I needed to stop.

I have never ever been able to finish a John Cassavetes/Gena Rowlands movie & this one was no exception. Watched for 45 Minutes, which seemed like 3 hours. Gena was beautiful & a very good actor, but these movies leave me cold.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Most interesting man in the world
none worth mentioning..
just the other day I was watching one and it was very generic
made it to 53 mins out of the 3 hrs it said it was and stopped it
0 / 10

I have never ever been able to finish a John Cassavetes/Gena Rowlands movie & this one was no exception. Watched for 45 Minutes, which seemed like 3 hours. Gena was beautiful & a very good actor, but these movies leave me cold.
I'd recommend Cassavetes' most pop offering, Gloria(1980). It stars Gena Rowlands and doesn't have any of that ape man mentality that seem to be signature of his other, more notable films, which I have enjoyed, but can understand why some are turned off or "left cold", as you say.

Weird is relative.
There were a few times I started watching a movie, and then had to pause it because I was busy, and didn't get back to it, but I usually force myself to sit through everything even if I don't like it and/or it's very slow-paced.

The one film I remember that I couldn't keep watching even though I had *wanted* to like it was Dumb & Dumber (1994). I saw about a half hour and couldn't stand the juvenile "humor." Maybe it gets better later on, I don't know. Should I give it another go sometime?

Then there was Joy (2015). I fastforwarded through the slow bits. The concept of telling that woman's life was good, the film itself wasn't.

Oh yeah, I'm reminded by an above comment... I watched about half of Blue is the Warmest Colour and liked it (though the lesbian sex scenes were pretty wooden - I've seen enough to know the difference), but for some reason didn't return to finish it.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Although the final installment is part of the my top 10, I tried to watch the first Lord of the Rings three times before I could watch it completely. It was a different case for the other 2 though.

This might just do nobody any good.
Other way around for me. Fellowship is the one I can sit through. Two Towers and Return of the King, on the other hand...

It’s not impossible but they just don’t do it for me.

I mentioned Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) the other day.

Another (and I know some people love this movie) is The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) - don't know why I never made it through (will have to give it another chance someday).

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Then there was Joy (2015). I fastforwarded through the slow bits. The concept of telling that woman's life was good, the film itself wasn't.
I hvent seen that but that's Jennifer Lawrence? If so I was like that with Silver Linings Playbook. I thought the acting was excellent but my god, the characters, every one of them, really agitated me. I dont know how that was marked as comedy on imdb.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Another (and I know some people love this movie) is The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) - don't know why I never made it through (will have to give it another chance someday).
Did you watch those old Jacques Cousteau under the sea TV specials as a kid? That's the key to liking The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

Did you watch those old Jacques Cousteau under the sea TV specials as a kid? That's the key to liking The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.
Yes. I was never heavily into them, but they were "on."

Coincidentally, the other day my brother was commenting on how Jacques Cousteau would be swimming underwater & lead in with a narration, but whenever they encountered danger he'd get to safety and let one of his sons or crew deal with it. The same was true with Wild Kingdom - Marlin Perkins would be narrating and show out in the bush, but as soon as they encountered a dangerous animal, Marlin would send "Jim" out to investigate.

This was meant as humor, not as an insult, as both men were older when hosting their shows, and naturally let younger men deal with the more dangerous situations.

I'll give Bill Murray & crew another try one day - as I hear the film is supposed to be really "deep" (excuse the pun) beyond its comedic wrapper.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes. I was never heavily into them, but they were "on."

Coincidentally, the other day my brother was commenting on how Jacques Cousteau would be swimming underwater & lead in with a narration, but whenever they encountered danger he'd get to safety and let one of his sons or crew deal with it. The same was true with Wild Kingdom - Marlin Perkins would be narrating and show out in the bush, but as soon as they encountered a dangerous animal, Marlin would send "Jim" out to investigate.

This was meant as humor, not as an insult, as both men were older when hosting their shows, and naturally let younger men deal with the more dangerous situations.

I'll give Bill Murray & crew another try one day - as I hear the film is supposed to be really "deep" (excuse the pun) beyond its comedic wrapper.
I don't know if it was deep, but it was a clever comic parody of Cousteau and his shows. It reminded me of a 2 hour long SNL skit.

Recently, Jules et jim
Man idk it just too damn boring
People cream themselves about this movie. I don’t see it at all. Jeanne Moreau highly overrated IMO.

I'd recommend Cassavetes' most pop offering, Gloria(1980).
Took a quick look. Looks guastly, but will keep it in mind.

Then there was Joy (2015). I fastforwarded through the slow bits. The concept of telling that woman's life was good, the film itself wasn't.
No clue why Jennifer made this movie. It wasn’t bad, but I have no interest in floor mops.

Blue is the Warmest Colour and liked it (though the lesbian sex scenes were pretty wooden - I've seen enough to know the difference)

This might just do nobody any good.
Ha, that usually the part people remember. S**t, I’m remembering right now...

Recently, Jules et jim
Man idk it just too damn boring
People cream themselves about this movie. I don’t see it at all. Jeanne Moreau highly overrated IMO.
right, jeane moreau was one of the reason . Also it feel truffaut want to pull some godard" which i think quiet dull for this one