Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Pool (Chris Smith, 2007)

A very nice relaxed watch with no real dips to speak of

Logan Lucky (2017)

A cute caper comedy by Steven Soderbergh which successfully avoids heist cliches. The rural accents weave all over hell's half acre, but its somewhat Coenesque zany hillbilly humor belies a clever plot.

This is a fun film that never takes itself seriously, and offers up a few fine comedic performances. The appearance of Daniel Craig playing against type shows his range, despite a slightly uneven interpretation. Channing Tatum and Adam Driver are convincing as brothers who cook up the caper; and Brian Gleeson and Jack Quaid play Craig's bothers, "Darryl and my other brother Darryl" types. Dwight Yoakam as the prison warden was a nice touch.

How the producers assembled this ensemble cast, and in addition coaxed Soderbergh out of retirement would no doubt be an interesting story itself. But the movie is charming, good natured, moves right along, and has a gratifying ending.

Doc's rating: 7/10

This might just do nobody any good.
Oh, that’s out already. When I first caught word of it I, for some reason, concocted a whole plot for a movie about an adult Christopher Robin having to return to the 100 Acre Wood for some sort emotional rehabilitation, based solely on the title. I see it’s actually an A.A. Milne biopic which is definitely a better idea.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)

I seen you mention this in Movies You're Watching Tonight. It looks good, so I requested it and will be watching it when Netflix releases it.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Victoria And Abdul (Stephen Frears, 2017)

Judi Dench made a good, older Queen Victoria, she was quite cranky which I could image the real Queen was like in her later years. This is based on a true story and one that was not well known until a journalist visited the Queen's summer home in 2003 and uncovered some writings by the Queen that told of this unique relationship that proved to be very scandalous in it's time.

This 2017 British movie is done as a biographical comedy-drama, so the general feeling is light, which I found enjoyable as it fit the film's motif. It was certainly beautiful filmed with gorgeous sets and costumes, just a joy to look at. The actor who played Abdul (Ali Fazal) did a fine job of not over playing it which easily could have been a problem. I liked him, and Judi Dench too.

Truth it seems is indeed stranger than fiction.



WARNING: "graphic spoiler" spoilers below
I belong to another forum of actual gore. Somehow someone got a clip of the actual shooting. Not the whole thing but enough to see her do it. And yes, I have watched it.

The Exterminating Angel (1962, Luis Buñuel)

WARNING: "graphic spoiler" spoilers below
I belong to another forum of actual gore. Somehow someone got a clip of the actual shooting. Not the whole thing but enough to see her do it. And yes, I have watched it.
Wasn't that faked though?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds


WARNING: "graphic spoiler" spoilers below
I belong to another forum of actual gore. Somehow someone got a clip of the actual shooting. Not the whole thing but enough to see her do it. And yes, I have watched it.
I call BS because that footage in my opinion, does not exist. People always claim they've seen it, but offer no proof of it's existence.

Mollie Nelson, widow of station owner Robert Nelson, says her late husband had a tape of the suicide and left it to her after his death.She claims to have left it with a large law firm. But again, no proof of it exists.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The Rains Came (Clarence Brown, 1939)
Boy, oh boy, did they!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Whole Truth

(Courtney Hunt)

A low budget courtroom drama starring Keanu Reeves as the persistent lawyer, Renée Zellweger as the tormented and sad mother of the defendant and finally Jim Belushi as the victim, who just so happens to be the killer's father.

The Whole Truth is a laughable film when you look at it from a distance and it fails to make a courtroom drama the least bit exciting, but I give it props for being able to take a few plot turns that I did not expect, as absurd as those may have been. Those final moments though do not excuse the rest of the film, which tries hard to build a mystery around something that a lot of people won't really care for.

Typical acting from Reeves does not help this film in the least. He seems to be sleeping through his role here. He gets a lot of flak for his acting, but he has some sort of charisma, here there is nothing. Then we have a return to the screen from an almost unrecognizable Renée Zellweger in a role that should have had more substance. The acting in this film from everyone seems at the very best, just under serviceable. No one seems to care or actually believe in the scenes they are acting out.

Voice over narration distracts from the story, a subplot involving Reeves partner goes literally nowhere and lame editing choices that try to reveal truths while characters lie cheapen the production. The film wants to wow you with the ending, but the build up to that is so boring and pedestrian that no one will really care.

“I was cured, all right!”

Watched three times in a row.
62 minutes of pure pleasure!

Another bloody cheesy slasher from the 80's with good soundtrack.
Tom Savini's make-up is crazy. Good mindless entertainment to watch at night after a busy day of work.

The Fault In Our Stars (Josh Boone, 2014)

Handles it's universal themes quite nicely for the most part