Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932)


An average guy hits hard times after coming back from serving in the military. Wrong place and wrong time and now he has to serve on a brutal chain gang where all day long they're singin' hooh aah, hooh aah. There's a daring escape, but he can never be secure in his freedom. I believe this movie has some significance in that it's partially based on a true story and it helped bring about some real changes. It's one of the tougher movies I've seen from the decade and one that suits my taste well. Good call Camo

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932)


An average guy hits hard times after coming back from serving in the military. Wrong place and wrong time and now he has to serve on a brutal chain gang where all day long they're singin' hooh aah, hooh aah. There's a daring escape, but he can never be secure in his freedom. I believe this movie has some significance in that it's partially based on a true story and it helped bring about some real changes. It's one of the tougher movies I've seen from the decade and one that suits my taste well. Good call Camo
Since you liked that both Heroes For Sale and Wild Boys of the Road are worth keeping in mind, similar heavy social drama's, the latter especially because it's about troubled kids which i know you're a fan of. They are from William Wellman director of The Ox-Bow Incident and are only around an hour long.

Passengers (2008)

This is the movie with Anne Hathaway for clarification, not the more recent movie of the same name with Jennifer Lawrence. This one is definitely a drama more than anything, and it tries to use a similar concept to Sixth Sense. Lots of character development and subsurface plot points, but it doesn't do either very well at all. Instead of having an "Aha!" kind of moment at the end, it's more of an "I just wasted my time watching this" moment. It never reels you in, and the plot twist element is poorly executed when examining the film in it's entirety.

Southside With You (2016)

I'm Not There (2007)

I was interested in seeing this when it came out and then just forgot about it until I saw Mark give it a positive rating in his thread. It's a biopic on Bob Dylan, and it's done in a very original way. A wide variety of actors play him, which I liked, but what confused me was they went by different names in the movie. There was something more to it than just playing him; maybe they were playing representations of him or his thoughts, or something else. I think it's an easier movie to enjoy if you know what the director is trying to do and you're familiar with Dylan's story. My guess is that Mark is right on top of both, while I was just a notch above clueless. It's got a great cast, and I especially liked the parts with the little black kid and Christian Bale doing their Dylan things. Cate Blanchett as Dylan was interesting. There's definitely good things about the movie and of course the music is brilliant.

Most interesting man in the world
The Last Days of Pompeii 1959 7 /10

"Based on the Edward Bulwer-Lytton novel. Set in the shadows
of Mt. Vesuvius just before its famous eruption, the film
begins with Glaucus, a Roman legionnaire, returning to his
home from far-off wars. Upon arriving, however, he discovers
that his father has been murdered by a gang of black-hooded
looting bandits. Glaucus vows revenge against the killers,
but just how high up are those involved?"

*saw it in Italian (English subs)

Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow 1959 7 / 10

"A group of drag-racing fanatics, members of a Los Angeles club, move into an old deserted mansion and set up shop, making it their headquarters. They hold a Halloween masked ball for the club's grand opening, and invite everyone to come dressed as their favorite monster! Oddly enough, the festivities turn sour when one of the bright youths discovers an impostor among them in the form of an honest-to-gosh live monster who's been hogging all the dances with the best-looking girls!"

-fun movie,good music,pretty girls

The Scarlet Empress (1934)


I picked this at random off the Ebert list for the 30's countdown. I took a quick peek at it's IMDb listing and saw that it was a historical picture. That's not something I normally like so I wasn't expecting much. In a very fortunate coincidence, however, it would be the third movie in the last week I've seen that stars the lovely Marlene Dietrich. I guess this would be called a biographical movie with creative liberties taken. Dietrich plays a modest young woman who's chosen to marry into the Russian royal family. She is promised that her new husband will be a good looking stud, and her biggest responsibility will be to bear him a son to be heir to the throne. Well she gets there and the guy is a total buffoon. She is interested in other men and they are interested in her. She will become Catherine the Great. This is a very lavish production for a movie of it's age. It also happens to be surprisingly sexy and hilarious, and when I say sexy I mean I thought it was hot. This movie was an awesome surprise to me.

The Scarlet Empress (1934)


I picked this at random off the Ebert list for the 30's countdown. I took a quick peek at it's IMDb listing and saw that it was a historical picture. That's not something I normally like so I wasn't expecting much. In a very fortunate coincidence, however, it would be the third movie in the last week I've seen that stars the lovely Marlene Dietrich. I guess this would be called a biographical movie with creative liberties taken. Dietrich plays a modest young woman who's chosen to marry into the Russian royal family. She is promised that her new husband will be a good looking stud, and her biggest responsibility will be to bear him a son to be heir to the throne. Well she gets there and the guy is a total buffoon. She is interested in other men and they are interested in her. She will become Catherine the Great. This is a very lavish production for a movie of it's age. It also happens to be surprisingly sexy and hilarious, and when I say sexy I mean I thought it was hot. This movie was an awesome surprise to me.
It's interesting this because I didn't know until recently about the different right of succession in Russia. Catherine the Great appears in my favourite film, Münchhausen, in a very interesting way. Brigitte Horney plays the role and seems to echo Dietrich a lot.

Grave Encounters & Grave Encounters 2

Obviously influenced by Blair Witch but really fun and best found footage horrors I have seen in a while.. not even disappointing with the sequel and how it carried on from the first movie and then kind of merges with it, thus my combined rating of

Black Prism.

Do not watch this movie. Period. It is like an art film student's movie gone wrong. It is so bad that it is now my Bad Movie watching group's worst rated movie ever.

Avoid it at all costs. Do not watch. If you have accidentally watched any of this movie, wash your brain and eyes out with copious amounts of vodka.

Every time this movie is watched, a lawyer gets his horns, a kitten dies and a new war is started.

Seriously, avoid it at all costs.

Sons of the Desert (1933)

Laurel and Hardy star in this movie from the top 100 laughs list. I wouldn't call myself a fan of theirs but I don't dislike them either. It was an amusing 65 minutes and I could certainly relate to the premise of telling the wife you're going one place when you're going to another, and getting caught.

I could certainly relate to the premise of telling the wife you're going one place when you're going to another, and getting caught.
Darn it, cricket. When you want to go to the bathroom, there's no need to lie to her and tell her you're going to the kitchen.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The Great Wall (2016)

I wanted to see that, Fab, but I have not seen any love yet on this board. Thanks for the headsup.

The Smiling Lieutenant (Ernst Lubitsch, 1931)
Sadly he smiled more than I did