Movies you couldn't even finish.


Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Carlito's Way.
but he's always been a bit of a wax job. And I don;t know what I mean by "wax job" but it sounds cool so I'm leaving it.

Wax job sounds like giving the appearance of something being good.. The car is shiny, but the engine was stolen.... I have this movie, and kinda agree, although I'm sure I liked it more as a kid...

Maybe you were thinking of boats?

"I don't like boats"

Wax job sounds like giving the appearance of something being good.. The car is shiny, but the engine was stolen.... I have this movie, and kinda agree, although I'm sure I liked it more as a kid...

Maybe you were thinking of boats?

"I don't like boats"
You actually just hit the nail on the head. DePalma has this tendency to shine his movies up with confectionary things that make them seem kind of like a tv movie at times...this fakery. Like, he doesn't hide his influences well, and it becomes I'm watching a total wax job lol

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wax job sounds like giving the appearance of something being good.. The car is shiny, but the engine was stolen.... I have this movie, and kinda agree, although I'm sure I liked it more as a kid...

Maybe you were thinking of boats?

"I don't like boats"
You actually just hit the nail on the head. DePalma has this tendency to shine his movies up with confectionary things that make them seem kind of like a tv movie at times...this fakery. Like, he doesn't hide his influences well, and it becomes I'm watching a total wax job lol
What a fantastic analogy. I love it joel

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What a fantastic analogy. I love it joel
That was all Matt, Dani, but thanks!
very cool, matt

Make a better place
You Were Never Really Here

I was watching this the other day and I just had to stop it somewhere in the middle, although the genre is my favorite and I really do like Joaquin
"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
You Were Never Really Here

I was watching this the other day and I just had to stop it somewhere in the middle, although the genre is my favorite and I really do like Joaquin
Oh dang. Mind going a bit more into why you hated it? I’ve been looking forward to this since I love the director do Joaquin.

You Were Never Really Here

I was watching this the other day and I just had to stop it somewhere in the middle, although the genre is my favorite and I really do like Joaquin
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I had about as much enthusiasm about this going in as I would about paint drying , I have never been a huge Star Wars fan but yet something compelled me to watch each one but seeing them bring back all the characters with god like reverence was just too painful for somebody who really doesn't care, I can see this is to the Star Wars franchise what Salvation was to the Terminator franchise, a bloated parasite, a star wars film about star wars .. if you would of asked me to think of a title for a new star wars film before this film came out, from the top of my head I might have said something like The Last Jedi

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I couldn't finish Brazil (1985), and it's a big classic to a lot of people, so I really wanted to try, but I found it to be the most pretentiously overdone movie I've ever seen, and couldn't stand to get all the way through it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I couldn't finish Brazil (1985), and it's a big classic to a lot of people, so I really wanted to try, but I found it to be the most pretentiously overdone movie I've ever seen, and couldn't stand to get all the way through it.
If you would have finished it, you could have made a thread about not getting the ending (Many, many people have wondered what the ending really meant, including me)

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I don't usually do this but I decided to read ahead online, and read what happens in the ending. It doesn't seem that good, and I was thinking, that's it??? That's all that happens?

Le Petit Soldat

Basically 2 types of movies here: an American children's movie which is a genre I don't find interesting anymore and 4 arthouse movies each made for a different kind of audience though, by I wasn't the audience for any of them.

This might just do nobody any good.
Well I don't usually do this but I decided to read ahead online, and read what happens in the ending. It doesn't seem that good, and I was thinking, that's it??? That's all that happens?
All dreams must be crushed.

Welcome to the human race...
I thought the whole point was that Gilliam set out to make a film where

WARNING: "Brazil" spoilers below
the main character going irreversibly insane would actually be a happy ending, which is what happens to Sam in the end - his mind breaks under torture and he retreats into a delusion where he destroys his workplace and lives happily ever after with Jill. There's not really any ambiguity to it.

Hmm, now that I'm actually in this thread I should dig out my old posts and see if I ever finished some of the movies I mentioned. I definitely finished Mystery Train after mentioning it here.

Make a better place
Oh dang. Mind going a bit more into why you hated it? I’ve been looking forward to this since I love the director do Joaquin.

It felt just way too slow and too quiet for my taste

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I thought the whole point was that Gilliam set out to make a film where

WARNING: "Brazil" spoilers below
the main character going irreversibly insane would actually be a happy ending, which is what happens to Sam in the end - his mind breaks under torture and he retreats into a delusion where he destroys his workplace and lives happily ever after with Jill. There's not really any ambiguity to it.

Hmm, now that I'm actually in this thread I should dig out my old posts and see if I ever finished some of the movies I mentioned. I definitely finished Mystery Train after mentioning it here.
But I don't really think much of that type of ending, that Brazil has cause that type of ending has been done times before, and it didn't read as very fascinating at all, but perhaps I have to see the movie.

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
Oh dang. Mind going a bit more into why you hated it? I’ve been looking forward to this since I love the director do Joaquin.

It felt just way too slow and too quiet for my taste
Ah fair. Have you seen We Need to Talk about Kevin? It’s the same director and slow as molasses.

Blade Runner was a bore - slow-moving and badly written. The biggest problem with modern films is the terrible writing. Nothing but the "F" word over and over, with bad dialogue and slow pacing. Most films seem to be nothing more than boring re-hashes of past hits, so predictable you know the ending when the film starts! In view of all the screenwriting books available, and the computer screenwriting programs, you would think producers would have sense enough to choose some good scripts!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Blade Runner was a bore - slow-moving and badly written. The biggest problem with modern films is the terrible writing. Nothing but the "F" word over and over, with bad dialogue and slow pacing. Most films seem to be nothing more than boring re-hashes of past hits, so predictable you know the ending when the film starts! In view of all the screenwriting books available, and the computer screenwriting programs, you would think producers would have sense enough to choose some good scripts!

Nailed it, Laurence. I wish i could triple rep this.