Movies you couldn't even finish.


Trouble with a capital "T"
If I start a movie I always try to finish it.
That's fine for you and of course your choice...But not everyone wants to waste a couple hours of their life with a movie they're hating, especially if they're at home then can just switch to a movie that they will enjoy.

How can you give a proper assessment of a movie without seeing it completely?
Why would a person need to give a proper assessment of a movie? I could see that if they actually had a job as a movie reviewer, but other than that reason, why? I mean there's something like half a million movies in existences, no one can watch them all.

Some movies tie everything up like a perfect bow in the third act.
Yes movies do, sometimes get better at the end. I watch a movie every single night, I've many 1000s of movies, and almost always...if the film is not to my linking by the first 15 minutes, I rarely end up liking it if I watch the entire movie. So why should I waste 2 hours to sit through something I'm hating? Especially when I can switch to another film that I will enjoy.

That's fine for you and of course your choice...But not everyone wants to waste a couple hours of their life with a movie they're hating, especially if they're at home then can just switch to a movie that they will enjoy.
Of course, just my opinion.

Why would a person need to give a proper assessment of a movie? I could see that if they actually had a job as a movie reviewer, but other than that reason, why? I mean there's something like half a million movies in existences, no one can watch them all.
No one "needs" to. But then again that's not what I said, or meant. The point is, when you watch the entirety of a movie you can give a full, honest and informed judgement.

if the film is not to my linking by the first 15 minutes, I rarely end up liking it if I watch the entire movie.

That's fine for you and of course your choice...But not everyone wants to waste a couple hours of their life with a movie they're hating, especially if they're at home then can just switch to a movie that they will enjoy.

Why would a person need to give a proper assessment of a movie? I could see that if they actually had a job as a movie reviewer, but other than that reason, why? I mean there's something like half a million movies in existences, no one can watch them all.

Yes movies do, sometimes get better at the end. I watch a movie every single night, I've many 1000s of movies, and almost always...if the film is not to my linking by the first 15 minutes, I rarely end up liking it if I watch the entire movie. So why should I waste 2 hours to sit through something I'm hating? Especially when I can switch to another film that I will enjoy.
It's actually little scary how exactly this matches my opinion. I could have written it almost word for word. Get out of my head CR

How can you give a proper assessment of a movie without seeing it completely?
Not trying to. The OP is Movies You Couldn’t Even Finish. OP was not asking for justifications or reasons.

Why would a person need to give a proper assessment of a movie? I could see that if they actually had a job as a movie reviewer, but other than that reason, why?
My point exactly.

The point is, when you watch the entirety of a movie you can give a full, honest and informed judgement.
To whom? I watch a movie I hate for 2 hours so I can come here & tell everyone how much I hated it? Again, not what the OP was looking for.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

This might just do nobody any good.
Hostiles (2017) is a pretty good example of a director trying to hearken back to his inspirations (in this case Terrence Malick) but never succeeding beyond the surface level stuff.

It’s dreadfully dull. I’m generally down for deliberately paced movies but this one lets you feel the drag from the start.

I’ll stick to Wind River for now.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Tedious in the extreme.
I thought so too. And it's a good example of what happens when one does watch a movie all the way to the end. I wanted to shut it off after 10 minutes but my wife wanted to see it, so we watched all of it. Guess what? the movie staid the same tediousness the whole way through.

@Citizen Rules, yes, I knew it would. Actually, from the very first over-lavish totally unnecessary scene. I got to the point when they boarded the train, but when Johnny Depp got on, I jumped off real quick.

Surprised anyone thought that would be tolerable, i just avoid films like that all together and i rarely have to turn films off. Dislike plenty but not to the point that i can't cope often.

If one good thing came from watching it, I now want to see the original Murder on the Orient Express.
IIRC, I didn’t like that movie either. Poirôt was a bore.

There’s also the book.
Not a fan of Christie. Clever plots, but only average writing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
IIRC, I didn’t like that movie either. Poirôt was a bore.

Not a fan of Christie. Clever plots, but only average writing.
How do you feel about murder mystery who-done-it films in general? I'm not big on those myself, unless it's also entertaining like the original Clue.

@Citizen Rules, can’t think of any offhand that I can remember seeing. I always think when the entire thing revolves around something to be solved, something else (the script, e.g.) has to give. Oh, I thought of one. Gosford Park. Amusing movie.

HBO’s Sharp Objects has been a terrific murder mystery series that ends on Sunday. I have no idea how it is going to play out. There is a thread here for the show, but I don’t go there now since I am afraid of spoilers. You don’t watch tv, but I mention SO to illustrate the fact that I don’t have a closed mind to the genre. Amy Adams has been spectacular in this series.

As flat & dull as the first Jack Reacher movie. Dwayne Johnson lost out on this rôle & I wonder what the 2 movies would have been like with him starring. Definitely the right physique as described in Child’s books, but that’s not enough to carry a movie.

Very uninteresting.

"1776": It was boring as hell. My friend and I walked out in the middle of it.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

Simply couldn't watch this one all the way through...

dvd had a massive scratch rendering part of unplayable

I wanted to relax and see this again since it'd been since the late 80's on vhs when I caught it last. Despite being Michael Critchon, and starring a very affable Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons as a villain, I could not get past the sheer stupidity of it.
Cynthia Rhodes plays Selleck's cop partner, an throughout the film, she is wearing a police woman uniform dress with HIGH HEELS! I'm sorry, but even assigned to a robotic dismantle unit, how in the HELL is she gonna be effective when she has to hold onto Selleck's kitchen counter just to WALK?!

Also, the technology is so dated, and so without any real vision, that it seemed such a waste of time to even continue on with this film. At least with Critchon's past films he made an attempt at visualizing some eye pleasing landscapes within the sci fi realm. Runaway has very littel of this. In fact, it barely has anything to look at that woeuldn't already be a tv movie of the week crime caper. City at night, computer screen readouts that are "of the time" and not anything looking ahead. The graphics are blocky and dopey. I mean, what the hell is going on with this movie? There's no drama, and when a suspense scene comes on, like the instance where Selleck has to dismantle a rnegade household robot from shooting a toddler in its crib, it's so poorly executed, and the payoff is about as thin as the police issued red laser pistol, which, wouldn't do ANYTHING against a 357 magnum that the little tyco sized robot was firing with (completely obscured from audience view, I might add).
