Movies you couldn't even finish.


My guess is that mostly people over 50 would enjoy The Mule. I did. But Clint has become an institution, like W. Allen and a few others. Truthfully Eastwood as an actor has become long in the tooth. He might best start thinking about smaller, character parts if he intends to keep acting. But it's hard to argue with success.

I still think it’s a dreadful movie. I expected nothing. I just want to be entertained & I wasn’t.

Stupid. I thought this might be written with some truth, instead it's a bunch of actresses sporting face lifts and trying to not act their age. I'll take Clint Eastwood's craggy old face any day over this drivel.
LOL. Just this minute posted to you in another thread that this movie was going to be stupid & that I would never rent it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Stupid. I thought this might be written with some truth, instead it's a bunch of actresses sporting face lifts and trying to not act their age. I'll take Clint Eastwood's craggy old face any day over this drivel.

Agreed CR - and I didn't even have to watch the movie to bail on it. I suspected from the previews this was going to be one of the smotheringly ' cutsie ' movies with actresses I have previously enjoyed watching. Thank you for validating.

Clint is 88 ?!? Well he was always sorta craggy to begin with. Haven!t seen him in these later films , but I still may give his recent movies a chance.

And I hate to tell an actor to step it down b/c of their age - but the one whose face just looked as appallingly creviced as the Death Valley hills - was Robert Redford. In A Walk in The Woods, not a good. movie either. That's one I shoulda taken a walk out of the theatre for.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Clint is 88 ?!? Well he was always sorta craggy to begin with. Haven!t seen him in these later films , but I still may give his recent movies a chance.

And I hate to tell an actor to step it down b/c of their age - but the one whose face just looked as appallingly creviced as the Death Valley hills - was Robert Redford. In A Walk in The Woods, not a good. movie either. That's one I shoulda taken a walk out of the theatre for.
I like old Clint with his craggy face and crusty personality, he kinda reminds me of one of my uncles! They always scared the crap out of me when I was a little kid I do have hopes for The Mule, my parents liked it and they're picky about what they watch.

I seen A Walk in The Woods with Redford. I hardly remember it now but if I recall it seemed like it was kind of dumb in parts, but I did watch it all. Geez I wish I still reviewed films then I could go read what I wrote about it I did like Bob in his last movie he made before retiring, The Old Man and The Gun...and I thought he did a real good job of it in All is Lost. Have you seen that one?

I like old Clint myself and he also reminded me of a neighbor I knew growing up. A cop - strong silent type- who I was also a bit scared of - but the type of good guy that when you were caught in a rainstorm on your way home, would suddenly appear out of the mist, and drive you home.

I did see Old Man and the Gun, CR , but had to remind myself that I did. So.... largely forgettable. I think he looked a bit more dapper there than he did in Walk, but I remember thinking the movie was a bit preposterous - even tho' it was based on a real guy. However the plot moved along nicely enough that I did watch it through.

Walk was just silly and I only stayed in my seat for the views of the gorgeous Appalachian mountains. The book it was based on was very very funny btw, based on the story of a neophyte hiker bumbling through the AT- making some mistakes any hiker could identify with. Had hopes for the movie but it fell flat .

Didn't see All is Lost, perhaps I will based on your recommendation.

However @Citizen Rules, may I confide in you something personal about RR? I know you're not supposed to confuse the person with the role- but I basically hate him. I've hated him ever since he treated Barbra S so badly in The Way We Were. I hated how he made her feel small, and awkward, and needy, and never good enough. I hated how he preened over his supposed good looks (which never were all that appealing imho anyways) I abhorred how he abandoned her and his child, and then pompously asked her how their kid was doing all those years later. B#%{}##%d!

I detested how he made her straighten her hair!!!! And I' m glad she found a good guy in the end, and was able to let her hair go triumphantly curly.

Yes I've managed to suspend disbelief for his movies with the illustrious Paul Newman ( who I don't hate at all ) but otherwise - I still hate him for what he did to Babs.

Of course these are thoughts I can only confide here to an understanding person like you, CR. Just for your eyes alone.....

' cept for the global wide eyes of mofoers everywhere.

Um...I don't think Hubbell MADE Katie straighten her hair, though I do believe if he had asked her to she would have in a hot minute.

Well it's sort of a matter of semantics here Gid Technically I agree with you, and she would have done anything to gain his condescending acceptance; but I believe he made her feel she HAD to straighten her hair.

Originally Posted by lenslady
May I confide in you something personal about RR? I know you're not supposed to confuse the person with the role- but I basically hate him. I've hated him ever since he treated Barbra S so badly in The Way We Were. I hated how he made her feel small, and awkward, and needy, and never good enough. I hated how he preened over his supposed good looks (which never were all that appealing imho anyways) I abhorred how he abandoned her and his child, and then pompously asked her how their kid was doing all those years later. B#%{}##%d!

I detested how he made her straighten her hair!!!! And I' m glad she found a good guy in the end, and was able to let her hair go triumphantly curly.
Don’t remember Hubbell abandoning his wife & child. Didn’t they divorce? Not the same thing at all.

He didn’t make Katie feel any of those things you listed. She made herself feel that way.

Oof, that’s all it takes to make a woman happy? Curly hair?

And we don’t know that she found a good man since we never met him.

Love The Way We Were. One of my favorite all-time movies. A tale of love lost, but, such is life.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I know you're not supposed to confuse the person with the role- but I basically hate him. I've hated him ever since he treated Barbra S so badly in The Way We Were.

Of course these are thoughts I can only confide here to an understanding person like you, CR. Just for your eyes alone.....

' cept for the global wide eyes of mofoers everywhere.
Whoops too late, everyone read it I've not seen The Way We Were since the late 1970s, I don't even remember it except for the song. I've been meaning to watch it again, maybe one of these days. Next time I do I'll remember to jeer mean old Bob

Thanks @Citizen Rules , I knew I could count on you.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
The Mule was great. Sure, it's pretty slow-moving and I guess on a storytelling level nothing much really happens, but what really made it for me was the character of Earl Stone and his idea of trying to make it up to his family. He doesn't understand at first that it's not just providing economically that makes them happy, it's about being there in general. Sadly it takes Mary lying on her deathbed for him to realize what really matters, but by then it's already too late.

When he says "At least you know where to find me", he means it only in the sense that he can no longer make excuses for not seeing them or even giving a phone call once in a while.

Eastwood's performance is very honest and moving. Having tried to start over with new girlfriends or wives and new kids all the time (the most notorious relationship gone bad being Sondra Locke) I think he saw a lot of himself in Earl.

I see... But why aren't they finished?

Welcome to the human race...
Various reasons, but usually it's because people get so bored or irritated that they decide it's not worth finishing.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It was once in my life. The worse film for finishing is "The replacement" with Angelina Jolie.

Everyone & his brother is in this movie. But the sterling cast could not save this hot mess.