Movies you couldn't even finish.


I finished it, but wish I hadn't!
Atrocious movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Devil's Pond (2003). I wasn't even a quarter into the movie. The storyline was slow and boring.

I feel like the effects were quite a mixed bag. I didn't like the adult aliens being CGI for one. I don't know when Ridley Scott became so confident about using it for everything. They were men in suits to start with and I think he should have stuck with that but just enhanced them in some way.

Acting-wise I liked Waterston, Fassbender, Crudup and McBride..

As with Prometheus I think by far the biggest issues is the writing(probably with studio pressure) as the scripts are awful confused illogical messes. The general production isn't bad at all, mostly good performances and looked pretty good even with rather too much CGI.

Welcome to Marwen (2018)
I couldn't finish it more due to circumstances than anything, but it was definitely more fantasy than I expected it to be. The criticism of this movie was pretty harsh despite it being based on a true story, but I thought the first 30 minutes or so were at least watchable.

Welcome to the human race...
I watched about 40 minutes of the remake of The Mechanic the other day and I don't exactly feel like going back and watching the rest.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Watched about half of the Deadwood movie and couldn't figure a single reason why it was made. I wonder if David Milch still thinks this was better option than the six episode final season HBO offered back in the day.

I guess I'd need to rewatch the series at some point. Used to love it.

⬆️ Watched the movie as I had enjoyed the series. It wasn’t bad, but wouldn’t want to re-watch it. Funniest part was the Chinese guy’s mini-me son.

hobbs and shaw. i know im a major fan of fast and furious movies but this movie i dont know i never finish its so changed now espcially paul walker gone D= i miss him soo much

the avengers

Welcome to Marwen (2018)
I couldn't finish it more due to circumstances than anything, but it was definitely more fantasy than I expected it to be. The criticism of this movie was pretty harsh despite it being based on a true story, but I thought the first 30 minutes or so were at least watchable.
I've not been tempted by this movie, basically because the documentary (MarwenCol) was so good.

I'd actually started to watch that movie awhile back, but gave up on it for some reason. But I went back again the other night, and found myself staying interested. Not a great film, but good acting from Kingsley of course. And I never realized that it was Jacqueline Bisset as "Madame Dupre"!

They didn't do a bad job, especially considering it was supposedly sticking to the facts of the real "Oil for Food" scandal. I was happy to see some negative light shed on the U.N., because most of the reps are a bunch of crooks anyway..


Welcome to the human race...
Speed Kills - I already put myself through Gotti, I don't need to watch a rehash of it involving speedboats.

Ocean's Thirteen - I got interrupted the last time I tried watching it, but I didn't care for Eleven and hated Twelve so I don't think I'll ever finish it at this rate.

A system of cells interlinked
I rarely come into this thread, as it is extremely rare that I don't tough it out and just finish a film, even if I am just not liking it at all.


High Life

Denis, 2019

One of the worst films I have ever seen. I want to track down the director and stomp on her foot.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I assumed that a movie starring Kristen Stewart & Chloë Sevigny would be wonderful. I love them both. This movie was so bad. Only partially based on fact & more like a mediocre TV movie than anything else. So disappointing.