How do I find movies with adorno in it?


How do I find movies with "Adorno" in it?

"""I don't know much about the movie because I forgot. However, 2 men were talking (Adorno's name was mentioned at that time.). One was going to visit an old friend. His other friend was married and his wife was a little uncomfortable with the other man's arrival. Our character was blonde. European cinema must be 90's or 2000's. maybe the 2010s. That's all I remember."""

Trouble with a capital "T"
How do I find movies with "Adorno" in it?
Do you mean this guy?
Theodor W. Adorno was a German philosopher, sociologist, psychologist and composer known for his critical theory of society.

I thought they might mean one of these?

No idea how to narrow a search to just movies with those in though so sadly can't help

EDIT: Thankfully I was woefully wide of the mark.

Yes theodor adorno. German philosopher

thank you friends because i still can't find it(

Adorno was only mentioned in the movie. The movie was not about Adorno.

I don't know much about the movie because I forgot. However, 2 men were talking (Adorno's name was mentioned at that time.). One was going to visit an old friend. His other friend was married and his wife was a little uncomfortable with the other man's arrival. Our character was blonde. European cinema must be 90's or 2000's. maybe the 2010s. That's all I remember.