The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


How well do you know your fellow MoFos and what they like?

This will be a different kind of specialty Hall of Fame, not one in which a movie will win, but rather a member.

Instead of the normal practice of nominating one movie for everyone to watch, you will nominate a different movie for every member. You will choose what your fellow members will be watching by picking one that they haven't crossed off from any of their MoFo lists. So make sure that you're lists are up to date! Maybe you'll pick a movie you think someone will love, or maybe you'll pick a favorite of your own that you want someone else to watch. The choice is yours!

There are some positives unique to this Hall of Fame. The biggest is probably that you'll be watching every nomination for the first time, no more rewatching a movie you recently saw or didn't like before. Also, with being on a MoFo list, you will be watching movies that have some acclaim either here or somewhere else. This could be a nice head start on preparation for the next countdown. And it's always nice to cross a few movies off our lists. If someone can't get their hands on a movie they're supposed to watch, whoever nominated it can simply choose another one. There's no concern over other members having already watched it.

There's 2 parts to start this. First you have to join. You have until Sunday night the 15th to do just that. Once Monday the 16th comes, we will know who the members are, and then everyone can send their personal recommendation nominations to me. Once I have them from everyone, I will post them and come up with a due date. If you pick a movie for someone that has already been picked for them, you will simply be asked to pick another. You can pick the same movie for multiple members as long as they all haven't crossed it off their lists.

Voting will be just like any other Hall of Fame. I'm going to put a runtime limit at 2 hours and 40 minutes. For this Hall of Fame, I will waive that limit for people nominating for me. Everyone else has that option as well. Previous winners can be nominated in this Hall of Fame.

Hopefully everyone finishes, but if you watch a movie chosen by someone who drops out, it'll at least probably be a movie that was worth watching.

This should be fun so let's do it.


Cricket-Nominations received
Citizen Rules-Nominations received
John-Connor-Nominations received
Edarsenal-Nominations received
Hey Fredrick-Nominations received
Ahwell-Nominations received
Miss Vicky-Nominations received
Siddon-Nominations received
Frightened Inmate No. 2-Nominations received
Captain Spaulding-Nominations received
Wyldesyde19-Nominations received
TheUsualSuspect-Nominations received
HashtagBrownies-Nominations received
CaptainT-Watching before nominating
Neiba-Nominations received

Due Date-July 5th!

Hey Fredrick watches-13 of 13

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Thrills, OFCS Sci-Fi, horror, 50's, MoFo SciFi, horror 2019
Princess Mononoke (1997) Film4's 50, 90's, animations
Dial M for Murder (1954) Thrills, 50's
Pink Flamingos (1972) Film4's 50
The Hidden (1987) MoFo SciFi
Bigger than Life (1956) 50's
Grizzly Man (2005) Docs
The Long Goodbye (1973) Noirs, Ebert, 70's
Mary and Max (2009) Animations
Le Trou (1960) 60's
Pandora's Box (1929) Ebert, Pre-30's
The Blair Witch Project (1999) Horror, horror 2019
Gattaca (1997) OFCS Sci-Fi, MoFo SciFi

Wyldesyde19 watches-13 of 13

Rashomon (1950) Sight & Sound, Ebert, 50's
Adaptation (2002) Millennium, Ebert
Blood Simple (1984) Thrills, 80's
Double Indemnity (1944) 100 years, thrills, passions, noirs, top 100, Ebert, 40's
Before Sunrise (1995) 90's
Peeping Tom (1960) British, horror, Ebert, 60's, horror 2019
Road to Perdition (2002) Millennium, comics
Johnny Guitar (1954) Westerns, Ebert, 50's
Groundhog Day (1993) laughs, Ebert, 90's
Perfect Blue (1997) Animations, horror 2019
The Shop Around the Corner (1940) Passions, 40's
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Thrills, Ebert, 70's
Sullivan's Travels (1941) 100 years, laughs, cheers, 40's

Siddon watches-13 of 13

The Day of the Jackal (1973) British
Rango (2011) Animations
The Gunfighter (1950) Westerns
The Wailing (2016) Horror 2019
Warlock (1959) Westerns
Allegro Non Troppo (1976) Animations
Das Boot (1981) 80's
The Big Combo (1955) Noirs
A Scanner Darkly (2006) Animations
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) Passions, cheers, 60's
Possession (1981) Horror 2019
Stalag 17 (1953) 50's
Mary and Max (2009) Animations

Citizen Rules watches-13 of 13

The Mission (1986) Cannes'
Bambi (1942) Animations, 40's
Oldboy (2003) Millennium, Comics
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) British, Ebert, comics
Paper Moon (1973) 70's
Diabolique (1955) 50's, horror 2019
Before Sunrise (1995) 90's
The 39 Steps (1935) British, 30's
Harakiri (1962) Ebert, 60's
Chinatown (1974) 100 years, thrills, sight & sound, Film4's 50, noirs, top 100, Ebert, 70's
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945) Thrills, 40's
Mulholland Drive (2001) Noirs, Millennium, Ebert
The Muppet Movie (1979) 70's

Ahwell watches-13 of 13

Fargo (1996) laughs, top 100, Ebert, 90's
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 100 years, cheers, best picture, top 100, Ebert, 70's
Fight Club (1999) Film4's 50, top 100, 90's
Apocalypse Now (1979) 100 years, sight & sound, Film4's 50, Cannes', top 100, Ebert, 70's
The Red Shoes (1948) British, Ebert, 40's
Vertigo (1958) 100 years, thrills, passions, sight & sound, top 100, Ebert, 50's
Amelie (2001) Top 100, Millennium
The Thing (1982) OFCS Sci-Fi, Horror, 80's, MoFo SciFi, horror 2019
L. A. Confidential (1997) Noirs, Ebert, 90's
Casablanca (1942) 100 years, thrills, passions, cheers, sight & sound, best picture, top 100, Ebert, 40's
Paprika (2006) Animations
A Woman Under the Influence (1974) Ebert, 70's
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 100 years, cheers, Film4's 50, top 100, Ebert, 90's

Neiba watches-13 of 13

Patton (1970) Best Picture, Ebert
Things to Come (1936) OFCS Sci-Fi
Carrie (1976) Thrills, horror, 70's, horror 2019
The Battle of Algiers (1966) Ebert, 60's
Millennium Actress (2001) Animations
Platoon (1986) 100 Years, thrills, Best Picture, 80's
Rio Bravo (1959) Westerns, Ebert, 50's
Harold and Maude (1971) Laughs, passions
The Abyss (1989) OFCS Sci-Fi
Elevator to the Gallows (1958) Noirs
Naked Lunch (1991) 90's
Bicycle Thieves (1948) Sight & Sound, Ebert, 40's
Fitzcarraldo (1982) Ebert

Miss Vicky watches-13 of 13

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) 90's
Brick (2005) Millennium
The Fly (1986) OFCS Sci-Fi, Horror, MoFo SciFi, horror 2019
Mystic River (2003) Top 100
Pickup on South Street (1953) Noirs, 50's
Near Dark (1987) Horror, 80's, women
Starship Troopers (1997) OFCS Sci-Fi, 90's, MoFo SciFi
Drive (2011) Millennium
The Wicker Man (1973) British, horror, 70's, horror 2019
Peeping Tom (1960) British, horror, Ebert, 60's, horror 2019
The 25th Hour (2002) Ebert
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 60's
A History of Violence (2005) Noirs, Millennium, comics

TheUsualSuspect watches-13 of 13

Sleuth (1972) 70's
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) OFCS Sci-Fi, 80's, MoFo SciFi
Out of the Past (1947) Noirs, Ebert, 40's
Fantastic Planet (1973) OFCS Sci-Fi, 70's, animations, MoFo SciFi
Amadeus (1984) Best picture, Ebert, 80's
The Godfather II (1984) 100 years, best picture, top 100, Ebert, 70's
The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) OFCS Sci-Fi
The Deer Hunter (1978) 100 years, best picture, 70's
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Thrills, Ebert, 60's
Princess Mononoke (1997) Film4's 50, 90's, animations
The French Connection (1971) 100 years, thrills, best picture, 70's
Strange Days (1995) OFCS Sci-Fi, MoFo SciFi, women
Sunset Blvd. (1950) 100 movies, sight & sound, noirs, Ebert, 50's

Captain Spaulding watches-13 of 13

Pepe Le Moko (1937) 30's
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008) Docs
Amadeus (1984) Best Picture, Ebert, 80's
Hud (1963) 60's
Funny Games (1997) 90's, horror 2019
Yellow Sky (1948) Westerns
Naked (1993) Top 100, 90's
The Sound of Music (1965) 100 years, passions, cheers, musicals, 60's
Deep Red (1975) Horror, horror 2019
The Illusionist (2010) Animations
The Thin Blue Line (1988) Docs
The Last Laugh (1924) Ebert, Pre-30's
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974) 70's

HashtagBrownies watches-13 of 13

Seconds (1966) OFCS Sci-Fi, 60's, MoFo SciFi
Dredd (2012) Comics, MoFo SciFi
The Howling (1981) Horror
Missing (1982) Cannes'
Tremors (1990) Horror
Wreck-It Ralph (2012) Animations, MoFo SciFi
Stalag 17 (1953) 50's
Strange Days (1995) OFCS Sci-Fi, MoFo SciFi, women
Frailty (2001) Horror
Fail Safe (1964) 60's
Sling Blade (1996) 90's
The Fifth Element (1997) OFCS Sci-Fi, 90's, MoFo SciFi
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) Westerns, Ebert, 60's

Edarsenal watches-13 of 13

The Straight Story (1999) 90's
The Graduate (1967) 100 years, laughs, passions, 60's
House of Games (1987) Ebert
Parasite (2019) Best picture, Cannes'
The Night of the Hunter (1955) Thrills, Ebert, 50's
Dazed and Confused (1993) 90's
The Imposter (2012) Docs
Do the Right Thing (1989) 100 years, Ebert, 80's
A Town Called Panic (2009) Animations
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 100 years, passions, sight & sound, best picture, Ebert, Pre-30's
Rififi (1955) Noirs, Ebert, 50's
All the President's Men (1976) 100 years, thrills, cheers, 70's
Black Narcissus (1947) British, Film4's 50, 40's

John-Connor watches-13 of 13

The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 100 years, cheers, Ebert, 40's
Come and See (1985) Film4's 50, Ebert, 80's
Strangers on a Train (1951) Thrills, Ebert, 50's
Porco Rosso (1992) Comics, animations
The Innocents (1961) Horror, 60's, horror 2019
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008) Docs
Galaxy Quest (1999) MoFo SciFi
The Last Picture Show (1971) 100 years, Ebert, 70's
The Evil Dead (1981) Horror, 80's, horror 2019
Waltz with Bashir (2008) Animations, Docs
Strange Days (1995) OFCS Sci-Fi, MoFo SciFi, women
F for Fake (1973) 70's, Docs
The General (1926) 100 years, laughs, Ebert, Pre-30's

Frightened Inmate No. 2 watches-13 of 13

Moon (2009) Millennium, MoFo SciFi
The Narrow Margin (1952) Noirs
Le Cercle Rouge (1970) 70's
Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) British, Ebert
E.T. (1982) 100 years, thrills, cheers, OFCS Sci-Fi, Ebert, 80's, MoFo SciFi
A Clockwork Orange (1971) 100 years, thrills, British, OFCS Sci-Fi, top 100, MoFo SciFi
Children of Paradise (1945) Sight & sound, Ebert, 40's
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) Animations
Ride the Pink Horse (1947) 40's
Koyaanisqatsi (1982) Docs
Gattaca (1997) OFCS Sci-Fi, MoFo SciFi
Le Samourai (1967) Noirs, Ebert, 60's
Amelie (2001) Top 100, Millennium

CaptainT watches-4 of 14 DISQUALIFIED

Singin' in the Rain (1952) 100 years, laughs, passions, musicals, sight & sound, top 100, Ebert, 50's
Rango (2011) Animations
Mulholland Dr. (2001) Noirs, Millennium, Ebert
Akira (1988) OFCS Sci-Fi, 80's, comics, animations, MoFo SciFi
Jaws (1975) 100 years, thrills, horror, top 100, Ebert, 70's
The Iron Giant (1999) OFCS Sci-Fi, animations, MoFo SciFi
The Maltese Falcon (1941) 100 years, thrills, noirs, Ebert, 40's
Spirited Away (2001) Top 100, Millennium, Ebert, animations
Pulp Fiction (1994) 100 years, thrills, Film4's 50, Cannes', top 100, Ebert, 90's
Waking Life (2001) Ebert, animations
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) Cannes', 60's
How to Train Your Dragon (2010) Animations
The Long Goodbye (1973) Noirs, Ebert, 70's
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 100 years, cheers, top 100, 60's

Cricket watches-13 of 13

The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) 80's
Snowpiercer (2013) MoFo SciFi
Paris, Texas (1984) Cannes', Ebert, 80's
My Best Friend (1999) Docs
Ran (1985) Sight & sound, Ebert, 80's
Lilo and Stitch (2002) Animations
Les Miserables (1935) 30's
Hotel Rwanda (2004) Cheers
The Player (1992) Film4's 50, 90's
Predestination (2014) MoFo SciFi
Parasite (2019) Best picture, Cannes'
My Left Foot (1989) British
Babel (2006) Ebert

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm in, this should be good fun! I also waive the run-time limit for people nominating for me.

If anyone needs help finding a movie link just ask in the thread and I'll try to help.

I'll go and double check my MoFo list and make sure there up to date.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm going to check my lists as well. They should be updated, but, yeah, I'm in
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The picture I used for the lists is from Mark's profile. It looks like our friend there is ineligible since he's only missing like 3 movies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Got a perfect one for CR already, one I'm almost sure about for Cricket, and checking Ed's list now.
Ya better check my list in a few hours so far I've found 3 I've seen and I'm still checking.

I've been scouting everyone's list for a while. I'm marking down a couple of possibilities for each in case one is chosen. I'm going to pick my noms after everyone sends theirs, so if I say pick again it won't be because I picked it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, I'm done checking my list, so it's all set for everyone.
Gonna start looking at others now (except for CR, going to wait on that one lol)
Your fast! My memory is so foggy that a lot of the titles I have to look up and read about. But I'm getting there

UPDATE: I found 6 movies I hadn't crossed of my list and I'm done checking.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Your fast! My memory is so foggy that a lot of the titles I have to look up and read about. But I'm getting there

UPDATE: I found 6 movies I hadn't crossed of my list.
I had IMDb oped on another tab to double check films. I think I found about five or so films. Most of them recent.

BYW, HOLY SH#T @cricket!! I had NO IDEA how many of these lists you've d@mn neared cleared out. Impressive!

I had IMDb oped on another tab to double check films. I think I found about five or so films. Most of them recent.

BYW, HOLY SH#T @cricket!! I had NO IDEA how many of these lists you've d@mn neared cleared out. Impressive!
I was in Ahwell's profile and I clicked the wrong list button. I was thinking my god he's only 17 and he's seen all these? Then I finally realized I was looking at my lists.

I'm probably going to skip this one. Quickly skimmed through some of my lists and the majority of the unseens don't really interest me. There's also a bunch of older films that I may have seen as a kid but don't remember for sure. If only there'd be a feasibly way to do this without the constraints of those lists

I'm probably going to skip this one. Quickly skimmed through some of my lists and the majority of the unseens don't really interest me. There's also a bunch of older films that I may have seen as a kid but don't remember for sure. If only there'd be a feasibly way to do this without the constraints of those lists
I have 3 good picks for you already

I'll tell you what they were once you're definitely not in

I have 3 good picks for you already

I'll tell you what they were once you're definitely not in
My lists may not be up to date. I haven't been too autistic when clicking them and if I didn't 100% remember seeing the film it's not crossed over.

EDIT: And I'm definitely not in. It's a cool concept but I don't feel like investigating other people's lists when I barely manage to tick my own. And like I said, I don't like how it's restricted to films on those lists but unfortunately, there's probably no feasible way to do this otherwise.

A quick guess for those 3 picks: Angst, Raw and Thirteen?

I really like this idea, but I often have trouble picking out a single film, let alone one for every participant haha.

My memory is so foggy that a lot of the titles I have to look up and read about.
That is exactly my problem for many of the lists that I haven't thoroughly gone through yet. I'm bad with titles, and for certain genres where there are common visuals and/or plot elements (looking at you film noirs ), a quick glance at promotional images or even reading a basic plot summary is not necessarily going to be enough to gauge whether or not I've seen it.

I've also intentionally not crossed off films I know I previously watched if I don't really remember enough about them, since if someone asked me my opinion on one of them, I probably wouldn't be able to give a response without seeing it again.

I usually watch trailers to check if I have already seen a film or not, they seem to jog the memory more than pics or plot summary.
Movies I've watched when I was 'too young', between age 8 and 15, I left open on my lists deliberately.

A quick guess for those 3 picks: Angst, Raw and Thirteen?
I had only gone through 4 of your lists and so far Angst was my 1st choice, followed by The Skin I Live In and Heathers.