Movie You're Watching Tonight


I seriously need to get back to watching foreign cinema.. I am missing a lot right now.

I just watched this recently. I liked it, but didn't love it.

It's based on a story, but the film adds an entire police investigation subplot (trying to stay vague to avoid spoilers). Unfortunately, the film felt to me like two different stories meshed together. It's certainly unique and I'm glad I watched it, but it felt like a lot of missed potential.

I'll be watching the extraction tonight, I heard it is quite a good movie.

Second viewing. It's not in the top tier of Nordic thrillers, but it's a fairly subversive single-set film. Wouldn't go as far as to say it's unpredictable, but it does a decent job of maintaining tension until the last quarter.
We all go a little mad sometimes.

One of my all-time fave movies.
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