Movie You're Watching Tonight


@Fabulous, you have some great movies to see.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

A re-watch for me. Based on a true story, U.S. citizen (Ann Dvorak) poses as a cabaret singer in Manila during WW2 to help combat a Japanese attack. Code name "High Pockets" (because of her smuggling info in her bra) she endures many dangers and severe punishment for the sake of her country in this tense spy story.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I Was An American Spy...A re-watch for me. Based on a true story, U.S. citizen (Ann Dvorak) poses as a cabaret singer in Manila during WW2 to help combat a Japanese attack. Code name "High Pockets" (because of her smuggling info in her bra) she endures many dangers and severe punishment for the sake of her country in this tense spy story.
Hey! great to see another fan of old movies here at Movie Forums. I love old films and that's what I mostly watch. I haven't seen I Was An American Spy, but it sounds interesting from your write-up. I've seen Ann Dvorak in other movies, but only when she was at the start of her career. I don't think I've ever seen her in a 1950s movie. I'll have to watch this one.

Hope you'll stick around MoFo (that's what we call Movie Forums) it's a great board with many group activities and interesting threads. We're just finishing up the Top 100 Westerns, as complied by the members of MoFo.

Wowza, I thought 2019 was one of the best years in a while.
I haven't seen too many 2019 films yet. Bliss is one of the five 3.5/5 I've given to them but I consider it slightly better than the others (the other are Doctor Sleep, Monos, Captive State and Us). I haven't been too impressed by that year yet.

I haven't seen too many 2019 films yet. Bliss is one of the five 3.5/5 I've given to them but I consider it slightly better than the others (the other are Doctor Sleep, Monos, Captive State and Us). I haven't been too impressed by that year yet.
From what I saw in 2019 I thought pretty highly of Parasite, Little Women, The Lighthouse, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Farewell, Dolemite is My Name, and I Lost My Body. I actually haven't seen any of your top 5! (Though they are all on my watchlist).

Code name "High Pockets" (because of her smuggling info in her bra)
This is the best thing I've read all day. Nay, all week.