Name the Actress


@Gideon58, hopefully you see this before anyone else does. The url in your picture gives away the actress' full name, so I'm not going to say it and give you a chance to change it before someone else does.

May I ask how you knew, or came to guess correctly? Like, did you simply recognize her because you're familiar with her, or did you have to do some searching, or what?

I recognized her from playing Eve on Last Man Standing. BTW, if you're looking at the URL's for this game it's pretty much like cheating, but I will go ahead and post someone else:

Trouble with a capital "T"
I recognized her from playing Eve on Last Man Standing. BTW, if you're looking at the URL's for this game it's pretty much like cheating, but I will go ahead and post someone else:

It's 'Rosebud'...aka Marion Davies

I recognized her from playing Eve on Last Man Standing.
Okay cool. I really like her, but I haven't watched Last Man Standing. I'm kind of debating checking it out. At some point I'll probably watch an episode or two to see how I feel. I've already watched all of her movies that interest me and run out of material.

BTW, if you're looking at the URL's for this game it's pretty much like cheating.
I felt like that, and so that's why I didn't want to say who it was. It's just that someone else could without letting you know they cheated. In these kind of games I try to always check the url, and if it does have their name in it then I look for a different picture, or download it, rename it, and re-upload it.

But I'm glad you got Kaitlyn Dever since I don't think she's very well-known, and I chose a picture that somewhat obscured her face since she's leaning downwards.

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Looks like the lovely Fay Wray (and Kong's hand) to me.