Actresses remembered for sex scenes


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I seem to remember her more for dancing on her toes...which looked painful!

What movie was that in? (I remember a dancing scene in Titanic, but it didn't look painful.)
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It's been a while since I watched Titanic. Maybe it's time for a rewatch because I don't remember that scene.
I don't remember it too well either, but while I don't remember her dancing, I think she showed somebody that she can balance on her toes with ease. There may have been more to that scene though.

Jennifer Connelly in Requiem for a Dream (2000) comes to mind.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What movie was that in? (I remember a dancing scene in Titanic, but it didn't look painful.)
In Titanic, Kate Winslet goes to the lower, steerage decks and attends a festive party with immigrants. They're playing music, dancing to a fiddle, and she takes off her shoes and sways to the music then and does a toe stand. Which really looked painful!

I don't really have a suggestion (I don't think I could pick Dakota Johnson out of a line up, let alone tell you what film(s) or scenes she was in) but I do wonder if the prominence of sex and sexuality in everyday mainstream life means that the kind of scenes/films which 'made' an actress before or gave her notoriety on which to build the following career (Sharon Stone, Hedy Lamarr, Jane Fonda, Kim Basinger, Rebecca Dumornay are the first which spring to mind) simply don't have the impact anymore because you can (and often will) see similar stuff in music videos or on TV, let alone the constantly availabe, never ending amount of easily accessable material on the internet. There's no need to 'pretend' to be interested in art house, European film or seek out exploitation films if you can see exactly (and only) what you want anonymously and in secret via the internet.

I don't mean that the scenes themselves no longer happen, just that the impact is negated. Kind of in the same way the erotic thriller dies out in the late 90's/early 90's. I'm sure there are still erotic thrillers made, just not in the numbers that were becasue there isn't the money in them there was.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Monica Bellucci for Irreversible (though it was rape scene and not sex scene).

I might recall more later.
I think monica bellucci for malena is more gives me creeps knowing that weinstein company made that movie...pervy harvey must have done something.

Kim Kardashian.
She got famous for a sex tape, everything those idiots do is scripted and she must be a bloody good actress to make people think she's happily married to that moron.

Kim Kardashian.
She got famous for a sex tape, everything those idiots do is scripted and she must be a bloody good actress to make people think she's happily married to that moron.
Well, that woman ain’t no actress... or lawyer, for that matter...