Movie Forums Top 100 of the Aughts (the 00s) - Recommendation Thread

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Random recommendations for each year of the decade that might or might not make it on my list...

2009: The Human Centipede

Yeah, you all know what it's about but I wanted to close this batch of recommendations on a high note Seriously, I saw this a couple of years ago and was surprised by how... solid it was. Putting aside the crazy, icky premise, I thought it was a fairly competent thriller with good tension and a killer performance from Dieter Laser as the mad doctor. Probably not for everyone, but I would say it's worth a watch. I will say it's more tame than what the premise might lead you to think.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Speaking of that, uhh, franchise... although unrelated to the 2000s, know that the second part goes the complete opposite way in terms of gore and extremes, and the third one is just dull and boring.

Random recommendations for each year of the decade that might or might not make it on my list...

2009: The Human Centipede.
This is one of those "franchises" I won't give the time of day. The premise is so outlandish that even a comedic approach couldn't save it. Yes, I'm judging without viewing.

This is one of those "franchises" I won't give the time of day. The premise is so outlandish that even a comedic approach couldn't save it. Yes, I'm judging without viewing.
It's understandable. It's definitely not up everybody's alley, and given the quality of the last two, I wouldn't blame anyone for not checking them out. However, I always like to reiterate how surprised I was by the first one; not that it's a masterpiece, but well

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched a couple of good movies this week that I haven't seen mentioned yet.

City Island (2009) - This is about a dysfunctional family who are all keeping secrets from each other. It's a lot of fun watching how this movie plays out.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004-TV Movie) - This is a nice drama about a man's journey through the afterlife, as he meets people who had an impact on his life.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched a couple of good movies this week that I haven't seen mentioned yet.

City Island (2009) - This is about a dysfunctional family who are all keeping secrets from each other. It's a lot of fun watching how this movie plays out.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004-TV Movie) - This is a nice drama about a man's journey through the afterlife, as he meets people who had an impact on his life.

Hadn't heard of any of those. Thanks for sharing!

I hadn't heard of City Island either. I found it on one of the cable movie channels last week, and I watched it because it stars Andy Garcia.

I found the DVD of The Five People You Meet in Heaven at a garage sale a while back, and I bought it because it stars Jon Voight, but I never got around to watching it until now.

Both movies turned out to be hidden gems.

Latest rewatches (that may or may not strike a chord with someone, somewhere): Wrong Turn; The Collector; Un prophète; Gin gwai; Ginger Snaps; Lara Croft: Tomb Raider; Gladiator; The Core; 28 Days Later; Blood Diamond.

Highly recommended stuff that I will surely consider but will not make the list...

Dancer in the Dark
Beautiful City (Shahr-e ziba)
The Hours
Y Tu Mama Tambien
3 Iron
Wreckmeister Harmonies
Amor Es Perros
Russian Arc
A Time For Drunken Horses
Natural Born Killers
Children of Men
Requiem For A Dream
Spring Summer Autumn Winter Fall and Spring
Vicky Christina Barcelona
The Others
No Man's Land
Goodbye Lenin
The Song of Sparrows
4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days

Films That Actually Might (also I will consider)

Mulholland Drive
Memories of Murder
In the Mood For Love
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

Trouble with a capital "T"
Re-watched "Best in Show" on HBO last night. Some small holes in it, but overall, a solid mockumentary.
A fav for me. I should go recheck my list to make sure I've included that one. Actually I need to recheck my list and send it in. Not sure I'll be watching anymore 2000 decade movies before the deadline....

Unless someone has some well known 2000s movie recs for me that I haven't seen. And believe me if it was a big hit or well known then I didn't probably see it.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Made a mistake, Natural Born Killers released in 1994

Which are the once you have in mind?
I'd say:
Y Mama
Spring Summer Fall Winter and Spring
Children of Men

Latest rewatches (that may or may not strike a chord with someone, somewhere): London To Brighton; After.Life; Janghwa, Hongryeon; Silent Hill; Alien vs. Predator; Solaris; Qi jian; Ferpect Crime; Moon; Wo hu cang long

This is extremely difficult. I seem to be adding to my list not whittling it down to 20.
Could perhaps make it a little easier by treating yourself to an extra 5 spots on your ballot?

Could perhaps make it a little easier by treating yourself to an extra 5 spots on your ballot?
Ah yes it's 25 isn't it. My list is at 37 at the moment. So need to choose which ones to say goodbye to.