Things You Just Found Out/Learned Recently?


Did you know that this wee gadget lets you know how good your batteries are? We always seem to have batteries in our house, but never know if they’re good or not. Found this & I love it. No more mysterious Triple AAAs.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Child actors and actresses in movies don't have any problems speaking nasty things about sex.

Just like Ben Braddock in The Graduate, George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life wasn’t interested in plastics either. 😎

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born "Michael King, Jr."

After a trip to Germany, King's father, a Baptist minister named "Michael King, Sr." changed his first name to that of the German Protestant reformer, Martin Luther. At around the same time, King Sr. changed the name of his middle child & eldest son "Michael King, Jr." to Martin Luther King, Jr.

I never knew this until the other day!

I learned a group of zebra is called a dazzle.
A group of cats is called a clowder. Where the heck did they come up with this word?

I thought a group of cats was called a Broadway play
“Broadway play”? Don’t know what this is. Did people used to visit theaters?

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I learned Ian Shaw looks and sounds almost exactly like his father. I didn't know about him till last night when I saw a preview for the play he wrote about filming Jaws.

A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I've got this tool that's a combo flashlight / screwdriver set - had it for many years.

The different screwdriver heads flip down from the handle. But there's this one flip-down arm that only has a blunt, cylindrical head on it and I spent years wondering what its purpose is. Well, one day I was fumbling with it and found the cylinder unscrews and inside it is a double-ended straight & Phillip's head bit that fastens to the blunt head - but these heads are for tiny detail work - much smaller than the rest.

Wish I'd known this long ago - it would have come (more) in handy!

This one goes back a few years (and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it)... but I was watching a documentary about the JFK assassination and learned that Oswald killed a cop the same day, about 45 minutes after Oswald had shot Kennedy. (The cop's name was J.D. Tippit.)

I'd gone most my life not knowing this, probably because most history classes, reports or videos focus on the late President and not what happened afterward (until the headline making assassination of Oswald himself).

Of course, this is all IF Oswald was a lone shooter and not part or patsy of a conspiracy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This one goes back a few years (and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it)... but I was watching a documentary about the JFK assassination and learned that Oswald killed a cop the same day, about 45 minutes after Oswald had shot Kennedy. (The cop's name was J.D. Tippit.)

I'd gone most my life not knowing this, probably because most history classes, reports or videos focus on the late President and not what happened afterward (until the headline making assassination of Oswald himself)...
I know something else about Oswald that I learned sometime back in a really good documentary...and this is from the top of my head but some days or weeks before the assassination of Kennedy, Oswald tried to assassinate an army General (I think that was his rank). Oswald had gotten close to his house and fired a shot at him but missed.