Movies you couldn't even finish.


wait u serious? i loved this movie
'fraid so.

gosh ur only one i met who doesnt like it :/
Hmmm. I also stay away from musicals and romcoms. If we were ever to meet we'd probably tear a hole in the Space-Time continuum.

Registered User
okey one of the baddest movies i watched this year was morbius . there is so many stuff that that have absolutely nothing with marvel movies .

Spider man: no way home

There was enough exciting stuff to keep me in the theater for 3/4 of it I think but I just don't like these avenger style movies

I'm about 50/50 on Marvel movies, like one and hate the next, but I liked this one.

gosh ur only one i met who doesnt like it :/


The Human Centipede 2. I only skimmed through the movie as I was horrified with its premise.

12 Angry Men. It focuses on a jury's deliberations in a capital murder case. A 12-man jury is sent to begin deliberations in the first-degree murder trial of an 18-year-old man accused of the stabbing death of his father, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence. The case appears to be open-and-shut: The defendant has a weak alibi; a knife he claimed to have lost is found at the murder scene; and several witnesses either heard screaming, saw the killing, or the boy fleeing the scene. Eleven of the jurors immediately vote guilty; only Juror No. 8 (Mr. Davis) casts a not guilty vote. At first, Mr. Davis bases his vote more so for the sake of discussion, after all, the jurors must believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. As the deliberations unfold, the story quickly becomes a study of the jurors' complex personalities (which range from wise, bright, and empathetic to arrogant, prejudiced, and merciless), preconceptions, backgrounds, and interactions. That provides the backdrop to Mr. Davis' attempts in convincing the other jurors that a "not guilty" verdict might be appropriate.

Significance to me: Movie making is an expensive medium but not every story needs a set worth millions or effects of million, few movies require one set, few passionate people, and the best form of cinema. It is my father's favorite movie and so is mine.

The Human Centipede 2. I only skimmed through the movie as I was horrified with its premise.
Then there are other films you should never watch like Salo and Tumbling Doll of Flesh.

Roland Emmerich has never done great movies, but Moonfall is abysmal even by his standards. It's like an Asylum film, but with better production values. Watched about half.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Roland Emmerich has never done great movies, but Moonfall is abysmal even by his standards. It's like an Asylum film, but with better production values. Watched about half.
I just read the synopsis on IMDB, I think I'll skip watching that one

A hot mess. I can’t even discuss it. Bailed out PDQ.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Roland Emmerich has never done great movies, but Moonfall is abysmal even by his standards. It's like an Asylum film, but with better production values. Watched about half.
godzilla 1998 and the day after tomoroww also is my 2 fav movies by roland

What Dreams May Come

I just couldn't, the colors, the ghost, I guess i was expecting something else.

What Dreams May Come

I just couldn't, the colors, the ghost, I guess i was expecting something else.
"Maybe far away, or maybe real nearby...":

They put Enemy Mine in that clip? Since when is that an undesirable movie?
I love Enemy Mine!
I don't know if the gag is that those movies are "undesirable", so much as just no one really cares about them. I might be wrong, though.

A kőmajmok háza - [House Of The Stone Monkeys]
Gergely Fonyó, 2014

Too childish for my taste, purely for kids I think.


So long, so boring. Waste of a very good cast. Vicky Krieps & Gael García Bernal were the oddest married couple.